- restriction endonucleases
- restriction endonucleases.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
restriction endonucleases — (= restriction enzymes) Class of bacterial enzymes that cut DNA at specific sites. In bacteria their function is to destroy foreign DNA, such as that of bacteriophages (host DNA is specifically modified at these sites). Type I restriction… … Dictionary of molecular biology
Restriction enzyme — Glossary Restriction … Wikipedia
Restriction fragment — A restriction fragment is a DNA fragment resulting from cutting of a DNA strand by a restriction enzyme (restriction endonucleases), a process called restriction. Each restriction enzyme is highly specific, recognising a particular short DNA… … Wikipedia
Restriction map — A restriction map is a map of known restriction sites within a sequence of DNA. Restriction mapping requires the use of restriction enzymes. In molecular biology, restriction maps mdash;along with DNA DNA hybridization, and DNA or RNA sequence… … Wikipedia
Restriction digest — A restriction digest is a procedure used in molecular biology to prepare DNA for analysis or other processing. It is sometimes termed DNA fragmentation (this term is used for other procedures as well). Hartl and Jones describe it this way: This… … Wikipedia
Restriction endonuclease — An enzyme from bacteria that can recognize specific base sequences in DNA and cut (restrict) the DNA at that site (the restriction site). Also called a restriction enzyme. * * * restriction endonuclease n RESTRICTION ENZYME * * * see restriction… … Medical dictionary
restriction fragment length polymorphism — Abbreviation: RFLP A class of genetic marker based on the detection of variation in the length of restriction fragments generated when DNA is treated with restriction endonucleases. Differences in fragment lengths arise due to genetic variation… … Glossary of Biotechnology
restriction map — Map of DNA showing the position of sites recognized and cut by various restriction endonucleases … Dictionary of molecular biology
restriction fragment — A shortened DNA molecule generated by the cleavage of a larger molecule by one or more restriction endonucleases … Glossary of Biotechnology
Restriction modification system — The restriction modification system (RM system) is used by bacteria, and perhaps other prokaryotic organisms to protect themselves from foreign DNA, such as bacteriophages. This phenomenon was first noticed in the 1950s. Certain bacteria strains… … Wikipedia