relaxation complex

relaxation complex
relaxation complex.
(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)


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Смотреть что такое "relaxation complex" в других словарях:

  • Complex regional pain syndrome — Complex regional pain syndrome/Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (CRPS/RSD) Classification and external resources ICD 10 M89.0, G56.4 ICD 9 …   Wikipedia

  • Relaxation (NMR) — In nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) the term relaxation describes several processes by which nuclear magnetization prepared in a non equilibrium state return to the equilibrium distribution. In… …   Wikipedia

  • relaxation phenomenon — ▪ physics and chemistry Introduction       in physics and chemistry, an effect related to the delay between the application of an external stress to a system that is, to an aggregation of matter and its response. It may occur in nuclear, atomic,… …   Universalium

  • Relaxation (NMR) — Unter Relaxation versteht man in der Kernspinresonanzspektroskopie (NMR Spektroskopie) und Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) die Vorgänge, die die Kernspin Magnetisierung (z. B. nach einer Auslenkung oder Anregung) in ihren… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • relaxation — /rilækˈseɪʃən/ (say reelak sayshuhn) noun 1. abatement or relief of bodily or mental effort or application. 2. something affording such relief; a diversion or entertainment. 3. a loosening or slackening. 4. diminution or remission of strictness… …  

  • Transverse relaxation optimized spectroscopy — (TROSY) is an experiment in protein NMR spectroscopy that allows studies of large molecules or complexes.The application of NMR to large molecules is normally limited by the fact that the line widths generally increase with molecular mass. Larger …   Wikipedia

  • Havriliak-Negami relaxation — is an empirical modification of the Debye relaxation model, accounting for the asymmetry and broadness of the dielectric dispersion curve. The model was first used to describe the dielectric relaxation of some polymersfn|1, by adding two… …   Wikipedia

  • Debye relaxation — is the dielectric relaxation response of an ideal, noninteracting population of dipoles to an alternating external electric field. It is usually expressed in the complex permittivity varepsilon of a medium as a function of the field s frequency… …   Wikipedia

  • Spin-lattice relaxation time — Spin lattice relaxation time, known as T1, is a time constant in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Magnetic Resonance Imaging. It is named in contrast to T2, the spin spin relaxation time.T1 characterizes the rate at which the longitudinal Mz… …   Wikipedia

  • Dihydrogen complex — Formation and equilibrium structures of metal dihydrogen and dihydride complexes (L = ligand). Dihydrogen complexes are coordination complexes containing intact H2 as a ligand.[1] The prototypical complex is W(CO)3(PCy3)2(H2). This class of… …   Wikipedia

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