- primary constriction
- primary constriction.= centromere (см.).(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
primary constriction — term used to denote the centromere, because it is narrower than the surrounding regions in metaphase chromosomes … Medical dictionary
primary constriction — noun : centromere … Useful english dictionary
constriction — 1. [TA] A normally or pathologically constricted or narrowed portion of a structure. SYN: constrictio [TA]. SEE ALSO: stricture, stenosis. 2. The act or process of binding or contracting, becoming narrowed; the condition of being constricted.… … Medical dictionary
Secondary constriction — is seen at the chromosome in addition to primary constricition. Chromosome can bend only at the site of primary constriction during anaphase. Secondary constrictions are useful in identifying a chromosome from a set. There are either 0, 1, 2, 3,… … Wikipedia
Vowel — In phonetics, a vowel is a sound in spoken language, such as English ah! IPA| [ɑː] or oh! IPA| [oʊ] , pronounced with an open vocal tract so that there is no build up of air pressure at any point above the glottis. This contrasts with consonants … Wikipedia
Centromere — Chromosomal components: (1) Chromatid (2) Centromere (3) Short arm (4) Long arm A centromere is a region of DNA typically found near the middle of a chromosome where two identical sister chromatids come closest in contact. It is involved in cell… … Wikipedia
Centromere — The cinched waist of the chromosome essential for the division and the retention of the chromosome in the cell. The centromere is a uniquely specialized region of the chromosome to which spindle fibers attach during cell division. The human… … Medical dictionary
Long arm of a chromosome — The long arm of a chromosome is termed the q arm. All human chromosomes have 2 arms, the p (short) arm and the q (long) arm. They are separated from each other only by a primary constriction, the centromere, the point at which the chromosome is… … Medical dictionary
p arm of a chromosome — The short arm of a chromosome. The p comes from the French petit meaning small. All human chromosomes have 2 arms the p (short) arm and the q (long) arm that are separated from each other only by a primary constriction, the centromere, the point… … Medical dictionary
Short arm of a chromosome — The short arm of a human chromosome is symbolized by convention as p . The p comes from the French petit meaning small. All human chromosomes have 2 arms, the p (short) arm and the q (long) arm. They are separated from each other only by a… … Medical dictionary