- pre-sequence
- pre-sequence.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Étoile de la pré-séquence principale — Une étoile de la pré séquence principale (ou pré série principale) est une étoile encore à un stade d évolution antérieur à celui de la séquence principale. Ce peut être une étoile T Tauri ou une étoile FU Orionis, dont la masse est inférieure à… … Wikipédia en Français
Séquence principale — Le diagramme de Hertzsprung Russell figure les étoiles. En abscisse, l indice de couleur (B V) ; en ordonnée, la magnitude absolue. La séquence principale se voit comme une bande diagonale marquée allant du haut à gauche au bas à droite. Ce… … Wikipédia en Français
Pre-charge — of the powerline voltages in a high voltage DC application is a preliminary mode which current limits the power source such that a controlled rise time of the system voltage during power up is achieved.When high voltage systems are designed… … Wikipedia
Pre-boot authentication — (PBA) serves as an extension of the BIOS or boot firmware and guarantees a secure, tamper proof environment external to the operating system as a trusted authentication layer. The PBA prevents anything being read from the hard disk such as the… … Wikipedia
Pre-main sequence star — A pre main sequence star (PMS star, or PMS object) is a star in the stage when it has not yet reached the main sequence. It can be a T Tauri star or FU Orionis star (0.5 Solar mass translates into a move along Hayashi tracks (almost vertically… … Wikipedia
pre-Columbian civilizations — Introduction the aboriginal American Indian (Mesoamerican Indian) cultures that evolved in Meso America (part of Mexico and Central America) and the Andean region (western South America) prior to Spanish exploration and conquest in the 16th … Universalium
Sequence motif — In genetics, a sequence motif is a nucleotide or amino acid sequence pattern that is widespread and has, or is conjectured to have, a biological significance. For proteins, a sequence motif is distinguished from a structural motif, a motif formed … Wikipedia
pre-pro-protein — A pre protein is a form that contains a signal sequence that specifies its insertion into or through membranes. A pro protein is one that is inactive; the full function is only present when an inhibitory sequence has been removed by proteolysis.… … Dictionary of molecular biology
Pre-Abelian category — In mathematics, specifically in category theory, a pre Abelian category is an additive category that has all kernels and cokernels.Spelled out in more detail, this means that a category C is pre Abelian if: # C is preadditive, that is enriched… … Wikipedia
Pre-Columbian — The pre Columbian era incorporates all period subdivisions in the history and prehistory of the Americas before the appearance of significant European influences on the American continents. While technically referring to the era before… … Wikipedia