- polyprotein
- polyprotein.См. полипротеин.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
polyprotein — to polyprothetic: see poly … Useful english dictionary
Polyprotein — Genomkarte des Lily Mottle Virus. Das Genom dieses Virus enthält nur ein Gen, für ein Polyprotein. Dieses wird durch Proteasen an den durch Keile gekennzeichneten Stellen in folgende Komponenten zerschnitten: P1 (protease 1), HC (helper… … Deutsch Wikipedia
polyprotein — Protein that, after synthesis, is cleaved to produce several functionally distinct polypeptides. Some viruses produce such proteins, and some polypeptide hormones seem to be cleaved from a single precursor polyprotein (pro opiomelanocortin, for… … Dictionary of molecular biology
polyprotein — noun Any protein (especially ones produced by viruses) that cleave to produce a number of polypeptides, some of which act as hormones … Wiktionary
polyprotein — poly·pro·tein .päl i prō .tēn, prōt ē ən n a large protein that is cleaved into separate smaller proteins with different biological functions … Medical dictionary
полипротеин — polyprotein полипротеин. Cинтезированный на матрице полицистронной мРНК белок предшественник, подвергающийся посттрансляционному процессингу <processing> с образованием нескольких функционально активных полипептидов; впервые понятие “П.”… … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
pro-opiomelanocortin — Polyprotein produced by the anterior pituitary that is cleaved to yield adrenocorticotrophin, a, b and g melanocyte stimulating hormones, lipotropic hormones, b endorphin, and other fragments … Dictionary of molecular biology
NS2-3 protease — (of hepatitis C virus, HCV) is an enzyme responsible for proteolytic cleavage between NS2 and NS3, which are non structural proteins that form part of the HCV virus particle. NS3 protease of hepatitis C virus, on the other hand, is responsible… … Wikipedia
Lilienscheckungsvirus — Lily Mottle Virus Systematik Reich: Viren Ordnung: nicht klassifiziert Familie: Potyviridae Gattung: Potyvirus Art … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lily-Mild-Mottle-Virus — Lily Mottle Virus Systematik Reich: Viren Ordnung: nicht klassifiziert Familie: Potyviridae Gattung: Potyvirus Art … Deutsch Wikipedia