- plasmodesma
- plasmodesma.См. плазмодесма.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Plasmodesma — Plasmodesmata (singular: plasmodesma) are microscopic channels which traverse the cell walls of plant cellsOparka, K. J. (2005) Plasmodesmata. Blackwell Pub Professional. ISBN 10: 1405125543ISBN 13: 9781405125543] [… … Wikipedia
Plasmodesma — Ein Plasmodesmos (auch: Plasmodesma) ist ein dünner, von einer Plasmamembran umgebener Plasmastrang, der durch die Zellwand einer Pflanzen Zelle hindurch zur Nachbarzelle eine Verbindung schafft. Dank solcher Plasmodesmen kann somit über die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
plasmodesma — also plasmodesm noun (plural plasmodesmata or plasmodesmas) Etymology: New Latin plasmodesma, from plasma + Greek desmat , desma bond, from dein to bind more at diadem Date: 1905 one of the cytoplasmic strands passing through openings in some… … New Collegiate Dictionary
plasmodesma — (= plasmodesmata (plural) ) Narrow tube of cytoplasm penetrating the plant cell wall, linking the protoplasts of two adjacent cells. A desmotubule runs down the centre of the tube, which is lined by plasma membrane … Dictionary of molecular biology
plasmodesma — /plaz meuh des meuh/, n., pl. plasmodesmata / meuh teuh/. Bot. any of many minute strands of cytoplasm that extend through plant cell walls and connect adjoining cells. [ < G (1901) < Gk plasmo PLASMO + désma bond, fetter] * * * ▪ plant anatomy… … Universalium
plasmodesma — noun A microscopic channel traversing the cell walls of plant cells and some algal cells, enabling transport and communication between them … Wiktionary
plasmodesma — pl.m. plasmodesmi … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
plasmodesma — plas·mo·des·ma … English syllables
plasmodesma — plas•mo•des•ma [[t]ˌplæz məˈdɛs mə[/t]] n. pl. ma•ta [[t] mə tə[/t]] hic (lab cbl)bot any of many minute strands of cytoplasm that extend through plant cell walls and connect adjoining cells • Etymology: < G (1901) < Gk plasmo plasmo +désma … From formal English to slang
plasmodesma — pl plasmodesmata Fine protoplasmic thread that connects adjacent plant cells by passing through the plant cell wall. Exploited by viruses as a conduit for cell to cell movement … Glossary of Biotechnology