- phytohemagglutinin
- phytohemagglutinin.См. фитогемагглютинин.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
phytohemagglutinin — [fīt΄ō hē΄mə glo͞ot′ n in΄] n. 〚 PHYTO + HEMAGGLUTININ〛 a lectin, obtained from the red kidney bean, that binds to the membranes of I cells and stimulates metabolic activity, cell division, etc. * * * phy·to·he·mag·glu·ti·nin (fī tō hē mə… … Universalium
phytohemagglutinin — [fīt΄ō hē΄mə glo͞ot′ n in΄] n. [ PHYTO + HEMAGGLUTININ] a lectin, obtained from the red kidney bean, that binds to the membranes of I cells and stimulates metabolic activity, cell division, etc … English World dictionary
phytohemagglutinin — noun Date: 1949 a proteinaceous hemagglutinin of plant origin used especially to induce mitosis (as in lymphocytes) … New Collegiate Dictionary
phytohemagglutinin — noun Any hemagglutinin of plant origin, but especially that found in many beans that has a physiological action … Wiktionary
phytohemagglutinin — A phytomitogen from plants that agglutinates red blood cells. The term is commonly used specifically to refer to the lectin obtained from the red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), which is also a mitogen that stimulates T lymphocytes more… … Medical dictionary
phytohemagglutinin — phy·to·hemagglutinin … English syllables
phytohemagglutinin — A substance found in plants that causes red blood cells to clump together and certain white blood cells to divide … English dictionary of cancer terms
phytohemagglutinin — … Useful english dictionary
фитогемагглютинин — phytohemagglutinin фитогемагглютинин. Лектин <lectins> обыкновенной фасоли Phaseolus vulgaris, способный агглютинировать эритроциты человека только определенного серологического типа; Ф. является сильным митогеном (индуцирует переход клеток … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
PHAL — phytohemagglutinin stimulated lymphocyte … Medical dictionary