- phragmoplast
- phragmoplast.См. фрагмопласт.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Phragmoplast — The phragmoplast is a plant cell specific structure that forms during late cytokinesis. It serves as a scaffold for cell plate assembly and subsequent formation of a new cell wall separating the two daughter cells.The phragmoplast is a complex… … Wikipedia
Phragmoplast — Der Phragmoplast (von griech. phrágma = Abgrenzung und plástes = Bildner, Former) oder auch „Wandbildner“ ist die Vorstufe der Zellwandplatte bei Pflanzen. Er besteht aus einem Komplex aus Mikrotubuli, Mikrofilamenten und endoplasmatischem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
phragmoplast — fragmoplastas statusas T sritis augalininkystė apibrėžtis Ląstelės sienelės pradmuo, susidarantis besidalijančioje ląstelėje. atitikmenys: angl. phragmoplast rus. внутриклеточная пластинка; фрагмопласт … Žemės ūkio augalų selekcijos ir sėklininkystės terminų žodynas
phragmoplast — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary phragmo (from Greek phragmos fence, from phrassein to enclose) + plast Date: 1912 the enlarged barrel shaped spindle that is characteristic of the later stages of plant mitosis and within which… … New Collegiate Dictionary
phragmoplast — Central region of mitotic spindle of a plant cell at telophase, in which vesicles gather and fuse to form the cell plate, apparently guided by spindle microtubules … Dictionary of molecular biology
phragmoplast — /frag meuh plast /, n. Bot. the cytoplasmic structure that forms at the equator of the spindle after the chromosomes have divided during the anaphase of plant mitosis, and that initiates cell division. Also called cell plate. [1910 15; < Gk… … Universalium
phragmoplast — Barrel shaped enlargement of the spindle associated with formation of the new cell membrane during telophase in plant cells. [G. phragma, hedge, enclosure, + plasso, to form] * * * phrag·mo·plast frag mō .plast n the enlarged barrel shaped… … Medical dictionary
phragmoplast — phrag·mo·plast … English syllables
phragmoplast — phrag•mo•plast [[t]ˈfræg məˌplæst[/t]] n. pln the cytoplasmic structure that forms at the equator of the spindle after the chromosomes have divided during the anaphase of plant mitosis, and that initiates cell division • Etymology: 1910–15; <… … From formal English to slang
phragmoplast — ˈfragməˌplast noun ( s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary phragmo (from Greek phragmos fence) + plast : the enlarged barrel shaped spindle characteristic of the later stages of plant mitosis within which the cell plate forms … Useful english dictionary