- phocomelia
- phocomelia.См. фокомелия.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Phocomelia — Classification and external resources A 20 year old woman with left sided phocomelia, before and after treatment for scoliosis. ICD 10 Q … Wikipedia
PHOCOMELIA — (от греч. phoke тюлень и melos член), уродство развития конечностей (напр. плеча, бедра, предплечья, голени), характеризующееся гипоплазией или аплазией их. Кисти рук или стопы ног при этом могут непосредственно примыкать к туловищу, что и… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия
phocomelia — [fō΄kō mē′lē ə, fō΄kōmēl′yə] n. [ModL < Gr phōkē, a seal + ModL melia, a condition of limbs < Gr melos, limb] the congenital absence or abnormal shortening of arms or legs, often with only short, flipperlike limbs projecting from the body… … English World dictionary
Phocomelia — A congenital malformation (birth defect) in which the hands and feet are attached to abbreviated arms and legs. The word phocomelia combines phoco (seal) and melia (limb) to designate a limb like a seal s flipper, one consequence of exposure of… … Medical dictionary
Phocomelia — ruoniakojystė statusas T sritis gyvūnų raida, augimas, ontogenezė, embriologija atitikmenys: lot. Phocomelia ryšiai: platesnis terminas – kojų sutrikimai siauresnis terminas – poašinis siauresnis terminas – prieašinis … Veterinarinės anatomijos, histologijos ir embriologijos terminai
Phocomelia syndrome — DefinitionPhocomelia is a “congenital malformation” of development where the upper appendage of an arm or leg is absent so the hands or feet are attached to the body like stumps. The word phocomelia combines phoco denoting seal and melia denoting … Wikipedia
phocomelia — /foh koh mee lee euh, meel yeuh/, n. Pathol. a usually congenital deformity of the extremities in which the limbs are abnormally short. Also, phokomelia, phocomely /foh kom euh lee/. [1890 95; < NL, equiv. to phoco , comb. form repr. Gk phóke… … Universalium
phocomelia — n. condition in which bodily limbs are missing or abnormally short (Medicine) … English contemporary dictionary
phocomelia — pho·co·me·lia … English syllables
phocomelia — n. congenital absence of the upper arm and/or upper leg, the hands or feet or both being attached to the trunk by a short stump. The condition is extremely rare except as a side effect of the drug thalidomide taken during early pregnancy … The new mediacal dictionary