Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE)
- Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE)
- Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE)
Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) - Индекс личных расходов потребителей - показывает изменение цен на потребительские товары и услуги. Состоит из реальных и приписываемых расходов домохозяйств. Аналогичен Индексу потребительских цен (CPI), является частью отчета личным доходам потребителей.
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Смотреть что такое "Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE)" в других словарях:
Personal Consumption Expenditures - PCE — A measure of price changes in consumer goods and services. Personal consumption expenditures consist of the actual and imputed expenditures of households; the measure includes data pertaining to durables, non durables and services. It is… … Investment dictionary
Personal consumption expenditures price index — The PCE price index (PCEPI) (or PCE deflator, PCE price deflator, Implicit Price Deflator for Personal Consumption Expenditures (IPD for PCE) (by the BEA), Chain type Price Index for Personal Consumption Expenditures (CTPIPCE) (by the FOMC )) is… … Wikipedia
Personal Consumption Expenditure — The Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) is the component statistic for consumption in GDP collected by the BEA. It consists of the actual and imputed expenditures of households and includes data pertaining to durable and non durable goods, and … Wikipedia
PCE — may stand for: In business and economics: Personal consumption expenditure (or Private consumption expenditure ) Personal consumption expenditures price index In organizations: Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, New Zealand… … Wikipedia
PCE — Partido Comunista de España (International » Spanish) ** Personal Consumption Expenditures (Community » Religion) * Personal Consumption Expenditure (Governmental » Transportation) * Passenger Car Equivalents (Governmental » Transportation) *… … Abbreviations dictionary
Federal Reserve System — FRB and FED redirect here. For other uses, see FRB (disambiguation) and FED (disambiguation). Federal Reserve System … Wikipedia
United States Consumer Price Index — The U.S. Consumer Price Index is a time series measure of the price level of consumer goods and services. The Bureau of Labor Statistics, which started the statistic in 1919, publishes the CPI on a monthly basis. The CPI is calculated by… … Wikipedia
Core inflation — is a measure of inflation which excludes certain items that face volatile price movements, notably food and energy. The preferred measure by the Federal Reserve of core inflation in the United States is the core Personal consumption expenditures… … Wikipedia
Konsumentenpreisindex — Jährliche Preisveränderungsraten in Deutschland von 1965 bis 2004 Verbraucherpreisindex in Deutschland, 1991 bis 2008, Jahr 2005=100 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Laspeyres-Index — Jährliche Preisveränderungsraten in Deutschland von 1965 bis 2004 Verbraucherpreisindex in Deutschland, 1991 bis 2008, Jahr 2005=100 … Deutsch Wikipedia