Windows Metafile — Filename extension .wmf, .emf, .wmz, .emz Internet media type image/x wmf, image/x emf Developed by Microsoft Type of format Image file formats Windows Metafile (WMF) is a gr … Wikipedia
Windows Metafile — Расширение .wmf, .wmz MIME image/x wmf Разработан Microsoft Тип формата векторная графика Развит в EMF … Википедия
Windows Metafile — (WMF) est un format d image numérique sur les systèmes Windows, conçu au début des années 1990 et de moins en moins utilisé depuis l avènement d Internet et de l utilisation massive d autres formats comparables comme GIF, JPEG, et PNG. C est un… … Wikipédia en Français
Windows Metafile — Vorlage:Infobox Dateiformat/Wartung/MagischeZahl fehltVorlage:Infobox Dateiformat/Wartung/Standard fehltVorlage:Infobox Dateiformat/Wartung/Website fehlt Windows Metafile Dateiendung: .wmf, .wmz MIME Type … Deutsch Wikipedia
Windows Metafile vulnerability — The Windows Metafile vulnerability is a security vulnerability in Microsoft Windows NT based operating systems which has been used in a variety of exploits since late December 2005. The vulnerability was first discussed in the computer security… … Wikipedia
Windows Metafile Format — graphic file format that can be used for both vector and bitmap images, WMF (Computers) … English contemporary dictionary
Windows Meta File — Windows Metafile (WMF) ist ein proprietäres Meta Files Grafikformat der Firma Microsoft. Es wurde entwickelt für den Austausch von Grafiken über verschiedene Programme hinweg und findet unter anderem Verwendung in der Windows Zwischenablage.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Metafile — is a generic term for a file format that can store multiple types of data. This commonly includes graphics file formats. These graphics files can contain raster, vector, and type data. A common use for these files is to provide support for an… … Wikipedia
Windows Enhanced Metafile — Vorlage:Infobox Dateiformat/Wartung/MagischeZahl fehltVorlage:Infobox Dateiformat/Wartung/Standard fehltVorlage:Infobox Dateiformat/Wartung/Website fehlt Windows Enhanced Metafile Dateiendung: .emf, .emz MIME Type … Deutsch Wikipedia
Windows Picture and Fax Viewer — Infobox Software name = Windows Picture and Fax Viewer caption = Windows Picture and Fax Viewer on Windows XP. developer = Microsoft latest release version = latest release date = latest preview version = latest preview date = operating system =… … Wikipedia