Value averaging investing

Value averaging investing
Value averaging investing
Value averaging investing - инвестиционная стратегия, направленная на постоянное увеличение стоимости фонда на определенную сумму за определенный период времени.
См. также:  Портфельные стратегии  

Финансовый словарь Финам.


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Смотреть что такое "Value averaging investing" в других словарях:

  • VALUE AVERAGING INVESTING — инвестиционная стратегия, направленная на постоянное увеличение стоимости фонда на определенную сумму за определенный период времени …   Глоссарий финансовых и биржевых терминов

  • Value averaging — Value averaging, also known as dollar value averaging (DVA), is a technique of adding to an investment portfolio to provide greater return than similar methods such as dollar cost averaging and random investment. It was developed by former… …   Wikipedia

  • Value Averaging — An investing strategy that works like dollar cost averaging (DCA) in terms of steady monthly contributions, but differs in its approach to the amount of each monthly contribution. In value averaging, the investor sets a target growth rate or… …   Investment dictionary

  • Value investing — is an investment paradigm that derives from the ideas on investment and speculation that Ben Graham David Dodd began teaching at Columbia Business School in 1928 and subsequently developed in their 1934 text Security Analysis . Although value… …   Wikipedia

  • Dollar cost averaging — (DCA) is an investment strategy that may be used with any currency. It takes the form of investing equal monetary amounts regularly and periodically over specific time periods (such as $100 monthly) in a particular investment or portfolio. By… …   Wikipedia

  • ИНВЕСТИРОВАНИЕ — INVESTINGПод И. понимается вложение капитала с целью получения прибыли. Ожидаемая прибыль может быть в виде дивидендов, процентов или увеличения реального капитала. Попытка извлечь выгоду из кратковременных изменений стоимости актива называется… …   Энциклопедия банковского дела и финансов

  • United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… …   Universalium

  • Economic Affairs — ▪ 2006 Introduction In 2005 rising U.S. deficits, tight monetary policies, and higher oil prices triggered by hurricane damage in the Gulf of Mexico were moderating influences on the world economy and on U.S. stock markets, but some other… …   Universalium

  • Social Protection — ▪ 2006 Introduction With medical costs skyrocketing and government programs scaled back, citizens bore more responsibility for their health care costs; irregular migration, human trafficking, and migrant smuggling posed challenges for… …   Universalium

  • Economy of South Korea — The economy of South Korea is the third largest in Asia and the 13th largest in the world by GDP (PPP) as of 2007. In the aftermath of the Korean War, South Korea grew from a poor developing country to a wealthy developed country. From the mid to …   Wikipedia

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