Hinduism by country

Hinduism by country

The percentage of Hindu population of each country was taken from the US State Department's "International Religious Freedom Report 2006". [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/] Other sources used were CIA Factbook [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/] and adherents.com. [http://www.adherents.com/Na/Na_298.html#1868] The total population of each country was taken from census.gov [http://www.census.gov/cgi-bin/ipc/idbrank.pl] (2007 estimates).

By country

Hinduism by country
Region Country Total Population (2007 est) % of Hindus Hindu total
Central Asia Afghanistan 31,889,923 0.4% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=1] [http://religiousfreedom.lib.virginia.edu/nationprofiles/Afghanistan/rbodies.html] 127,560
Balkans Albania 3,600,523 n/a n/a
North Africa Algeria 32,531,853 n/a n/a
Southern Africa Angola 12,263,596 n/a n/a
South America Argentina 40,301,927 0.01% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=101] 4,030
Middle East Armenia 2,971,650 n/a n/a
Oceania Australia 20,434,176 0.5% [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71333.htm] 102,171
Central Europe Austria 8,199,783 0.1% (approx) [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71367.htm] 8,200
Middle East Azerbaijan 8,120,247 n/a n/a
Middle East Bahrain 708,573 6.25% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=96] 44,286
South Asia Bangladesh 150,448,339 9.2% [http://www.banbeis.gov.bd/bd_pro.htm] - 10.5% [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/3452.htm] [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71438.htm] 13,841,247 - 15,797,076
Eastern Europe Belarus 9,724,723 n/a n/a
Western Europe Belgium 10,392,226 0.06% [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71371.htm] 6,235
Central America Belize 294,385 2.3% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=93] 6,771
West Africa Benin 8,078,314 n/a n/a
South Asia Bhutan 2,327,849 2% [http://www.kingdomofbhutan.com/] - 25% [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/bt.html] [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/35839.htm] 46,557 - 581,962
South America Bolivia 9,119,152 n/a n/a
Balkans Bosnia and Herzegovina 4,552,198 n/a n/a
Southern Africa Botswana 1,815,508 0.17% [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71287.htm] 3,086
South America Brazil 190,010,647 0.0016% [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71451.htm] 3,040
Southeast Asia Brunei 374,577 0.035% [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71334.htm] 131
Balkans Bulgaria 7,322,858 n/a n/a
West Africa Burkina Faso 14,326,203 n/a n/a
Central Africa Burundi 8,390,505 0.1% [http://religiousfreedom.lib.virginia.edu/nationprofiles/Burundi/rbodies.html] [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=118] 8,391
Southeast Asia Cambodia 13,995,904 0.3% [http://religiousfreedom.lib.virginia.edu/nationprofiles/Cambodia/rbodies.html] [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=86] 41,988
West Africa Cameroon 18,060,382 n/a n/a
North America Canada 33,390,141 1% [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71452.htm] [http://religiousfreedom.lib.virginia.edu/nationprofiles/Canada/rbodies.html] 333,901
Central Africa Central African Republic 4,369,038 n/a n/a
Central Africa Chad 9,885,661 n/a n/a
South America Chile 16,284,741 n/a n/a
East Asia China 1,321,851,888 n/a n/a
South America Colombia 44,379,598 0.02% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=78] 8,876
East Africa Comoros 711,417 0.1%(approx) 711
Central Africa Congo (Brazzaville) 3,800,610 n/a n/a
Central Africa Congo (Kinshasa) 65,751,512 0.18% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=125] 118,353
Central America Costa Rica 4,133,884 n/a n/a
Balkans Croatia 4,493,312 0.01% (approx) [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71374.htm] 449
North America Cuba 11,394,043 0.21% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=76] 23,927
Middle East Cyprus 788,457 n/a n/a
Central Europe Czech Republic 10,228,744 n/a n/a
West Africa Côte d'Ivoire 18,013,409 0.1% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=126] [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71297.htm] 18,013
Western Europe Denmark 5,468,120 0.1% [http://religiousfreedom.lib.virginia.edu/nationprofiles/Denmark/rbodies.html] [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71377.htm] 5,468
East Africa Djibouti 496,374 0.02% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=127] 99
Caribbean Dominica 72,386 0.2% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=75] 145
Caribbean Dominican Republic 9,365,818 n/a n/a
Southeast Asia East Timor 1,084,971 n/a n/a
South America Ecuador 13,755,680 n/a n/a
North Africa Egypt 80,335,036 n/a n/a
Central America El Salvador 6,948,073 n/a n/a
East Africa Eritrea 4,906,585 0.1% (approx) [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71300.htm] 4,907
Eastern Europe Estonia 1,315,912 n/a n/a
East Africa Ethiopia 76,511,887 n/a n/a
Oceania Fiji 918,675 30% [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/73065.htm] - 33% [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/1834.htm] [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/fj.html] 275,603 - 303,163
Western Europe Finland 5,238,460 0.01% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=172] 524
Western Europe France 63,718,187 0.1% [http://religiousfreedom.lib.virginia.edu/nationprofiles/France/rbodies.html] [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/fr.html#People] 63,718
West Africa Gabon 1,454,867 n/a n/a
West Africa Gambia 1,688,359 n/a n/a
Middle East Georgia 4,646,003 0.01% (approx) [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71381.htm] 465
Western Europe Germany 82,400,996 0.119% [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71382.htm] 98,057
West Africa Ghana 22,931,299 0.05% (approx) [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71304.htm] 11,466
Balkans Greece 10,706,290 n/a n/a
Caribbean Grenada 89,971 0.7% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=66] 630
Central America Guatemala 12,728,111 n/a n/a
West Africa Guinea 9,947,814 n/a n/a
West Africa Guinea-Bissau 1,472,780 n/a n/a
South America Guyana 769,095 28.3% [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/1984.htm] [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71463.htm] - 33% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=63] [http://religiousfreedom.lib.virginia.edu/nationprofiles/Guyana/rbodies.html] [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/gy.html] 217,654 - 253,801
Caribbean Haiti 8,706,497 n/a n/a
Central America Honduras 7,483,763 n/a n/a
Central Europe Hungary 9,956,108 0.02% 1,767 [http://www.nepszamlalas.hu/eng/volumes/26/tables/load4_1_1.html]
Western Europe Iceland 301,931 n/a n/a
South Asia India 1,129,866,154 80.5% [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/in.html] [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71440.htm] [ [http://www.censusindia.gov.in/ Indian Census] ] 909,542,254
Southeast Asia Indonesia 234,693,997 2% [http://www.depag.go.id/index.php?menu=page&pageid=17] [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/2748.htm] [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/id.html] 4,693,880
Middle East Iran 65,397,521 0.02% (appox) 13,079
Middle East Iraq 27,499,638 n/a n/a
Western Europe Ireland 4,109,086 0.08% [http://www.cso.ie/census/documents/vol12_t1_10.pdf] 3,100
Middle East Israel 6,426,679 0.1% (appox) [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71423.htm#occterr] 6,427
Western Europe Italy 58,147,733 0.02% (appox) [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71387.htm] 11,630
Caribbean Jamaica 2,780,132 0.06% [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71466.htm] 1,668
East Asia Japan 127,433,494 0.004% (approx) 5,097
Middle East Jordan 6,053,193 n/a n/a
Central Asia Kazakhstan 15,284,929 n/a n/a
East Africa Kenya 36,913,721 1% [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71307.htm] 369,137
East Asia Korea, North 23,301,725 n/a n/a
East Asia Korea, South 49,044,790 0.005% (appox) 2,452
Middle East Kuwait 2,505,559 12% [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71425.htm] 300,667
Central Asia Kyrgyzstan 5,284,149 n/a n/a
Southeast Asia Laos 6,521,998 n/a n/a
Eastern Europe Latvia 2,259,810 0.006% [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71390.htm] 136
Middle East Lebanon 3,925,502 0.1% (approx) [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71426.htm] 3,926
Southern Africa Lesotho 2,125,262 0.1% (approx) [http://religiousfreedom.lib.virginia.edu/nationprofiles/Lesotho/rbodies.html] [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71308.htm] 2,125
West Africa Liberia 3,195,931 0.1% (approx) [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71309.htm] 3,196
North Africa Libya 6,036,914 0.1% [http://religiousfreedom.lib.virginia.edu/nationprofiles/Libya/rbodies.html] [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71427.htm] 6,037
Eastern Europe Lithuania 3,575,439 n/a n/a
Western Europe Luxembourg 480,222 0.07% (approx) [http://www.indembassy.be/Bilateral_Lux.asp] 336
Balkans Macedonia 2,055,915 n/a n/a
Southern Africa Madagascar 19,448,815 0.1% [http://religiousfreedom.lib.virginia.edu/nationprofiles/Madagascar/rbodies.html] [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71310.htm] 19,449
Southern Africa Malawi 13,603,181 0.02% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=142] - 0.2% [http://religiousfreedom.lib.virginia.edu/nationprofiles/Malawi/rbodies.html] 2,721 - 27,206
Southeast Asia Malaysia 24,821,286 6.3% [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/my.html] [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/2777.htm] 1,563,741
South Asia Maldives 369,031 0.01% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=46] 37
West Africa Mali 11,995,402 n/a n/a
North Africa Mauritania 3,270,065 n/a n/a
Southern Africa Mauritius 1,250,882 48% [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/mp.html] - 50% [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71314.htm] 600,423 - 625,441
North America Mexico 108,700,891 n/a n/a
Eastern Europe Moldova 4,328,816 0.01% (approx) [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71396.htm] 433
Central Asia Mongolia 2,951,786 n/a n/a
Balkans Montenegro 684,736 n/a n/a
North Africa Morocco 33,757,175 n/a n/a
Southern Africa Mozambique 20,905,585 0.05% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=147] - 0.2% [http://religiousfreedom.lib.virginia.edu/nationprofiles/Mozambique/rbodies.html] 10,453 - 41,811
Southeast Asia Myanmar 47,373,958 0.5% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=41] 236,870
Southern Africa Namibia 2,055,080 n/a n/a
South Asia Nepal 28,901,790 80.6% [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/np.html#People] - 81% [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/5283.htm] [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71442.htm] 23,294,843 - 23,410,450
Western Europe Netherlands 16,570,613 0.58% [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71398.htm] 96,110
Oceania New Zealand 4,115,771 1% [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71352.htm] 41,158
Central America Nicaragua 5,675,356 n/a n/a
West Africa Niger 12,894,865 n/a n/a
West Africa Nigeria 135,031,164 n/a n/a
Western Europe Norway 4,627,926 0.5% 23,140
Middle East Oman 3,204,897 3% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=36] - 5.7% [http://religiousfreedom.lib.virginia.edu/nationprofiles/Oman/rbodies.html] 96,147 - 182,679
South Asia Pakistan 164,741,924 1.5% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=35] - 2.02% [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71443.htm] 2,471,129 - 3,327,787
Middle East Palestine 4,018,332 n/a n/a
Central America Panama 3,242,173 0.3% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=33] [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71469.htm] 9,726
Oceania Papua New Guinea 5,795,887 n/a n/a
South America Paraguay 6,669,086 n/a n/a
South America Peru 28,674,757 n/a n/a
Southeast Asia Philippines 91,077,287 0.05% (approx) 45,539
Central Europe Poland 38,518,241 n/a n/a
Western Europe Portugal 10,642,836 0.07% 7,396
Caribbean Puerto Rico 3,944,259 0.09% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=29] 3,550
Middle East Qatar 907,229 7.2% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=28] [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71430.htm] 65,320
East Africa Réunion 784,000 6.7% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=151] 52,528
Balkans Romania 22,276,056 n/a n/a
Eastern Europe Russia 141,377,752 0.043% [http://www.wwrn.org/article.php?idd=20511&sec=28&cont=5] [http://www.defendrussianhindus.org/index.php?fetch=letterToOrthodoxChurch] 60,792
East Africa Rwanda 9,907,509 n/a n/a
Middle East Saudi Arabia 27,601,038 0.6% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=27] - 1.1% [http://religiousfreedom.lib.virginia.edu/nationprofiles/Saudi_Arabia/rbodies.html] 165,606 - 303,611
West Africa Senegal 12,521,851 n/a n/a
Balkans Serbia 10,150,265 n/a n/a
East Africa Seychelles 81,895 2% 1,638
West Africa Sierra Leone 6,144,562 0.04% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=156] - 0.1% [http://religiousfreedom.lib.virginia.edu/nationprofiles/Sierra_Leone/rbodies.html] 2,458 - 6,145
Southeast Asia Singapore 4,553,009 4% [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/sn.html] [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71357.htm] 262,120
Central Europe Slovakia 5,447,502 0.1% (approx) 5,448
Central Europe Slovenia 2,009,245 n/a n/a
East Africa Somalia 9,118,773 n/a n/a
Southern Africa South Africa 43,997,828 1.25% [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71325.htm] [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=158] 549,973
Western Europe Spain 40,448,191 n/a n/a
South Asia Sri Lanka 20,926,315 7.1% [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ce.html] - 15% [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71444.htm] 1,485,768 - 3,138,947
North Africa Sudan 39,379,358 n/a n/a
South America Suriname 470,784 20% [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71475.htm] - 27.4% [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ns.html] 94,157 - 128,995
Southern Africa Swaziland 1,133,066 0.15% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=161] - 0.2% [http://religiousfreedom.lib.virginia.edu/nationprofiles/Swaziland/rbodies.html] 1,700 - 2,266
Western Europe Sweden 9,031,088 0.078% - 0.12% [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71410.htm] 7,044 - 10,837
Western Europe Switzerland 7,554,661 0.38% [http://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/portal/de/index/dienstlei.stungen/publikationen_statistik/publikationskatalog.Document.50514.pdf] [http://www.swissinfo.org/eng/swissinfo.html?siteSect=108&sid=6186723&cKey=1140784868000] 28,708
Middle East Syria 19,314,747 n/a n/a
East Asia Taiwan 22,858,872 n/a n/a
Central Asia Tajikistan 7,076,598 n/a n/a
East Africa Tanzania 39,384,223 0.9% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=162] [http://religiousfreedom.lib.virginia.edu/nationprofiles/Tanzania/rbodies.html] 354,458
Southeast Asia Thailand 65,068,149 0.0045% [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71359.htm] 2,928
West Africa Togo 5,701,579 n/a n/a
Caribbean Trinidad and Tobago 1,056,608 22.5% [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/td.html] [http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/35638.htm] [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71476.htm] 237,737
North Africa Tunisia 10,276,158 n/a n/a
Middle East Turkey 71,158,647 n/a n/a
Central Asia Turkmenistan 5,097,028 n/a n/a
East Africa Uganda 30,262,610 0.2% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=165] - 0.8% [http://religiousfreedom.lib.virginia.edu/nationprofiles/Uganda/rbodies.html] 60,525 - 242,101
Eastern Europe Ukraine 46,299,862 n/a n/a
Middle East United Arab Emirates 4,444,011 21.25% [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71434.htm] 944,352
Western Europe United Kingdom 60,776,238 1% [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/uk.html] [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71416.htm] 607,762
North America United States 301,139,947 0.4% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=8] [http://religiousfreedom.lib.virginia.edu/nationprofiles/United_States/rbodies.html] 1,204,560
South America Uruguay 3,460,607 n/a n/a
Central Asia Uzbekistan 27,780,059 0.01% (approx) 2,778
South America Venezuela 26,023,528 n/a n/a
Southeast Asia Vietnam 85,262,356 0.059% [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2006/71363.htm] 50,305
North Africa Western Sahara 382,617 n/a n/a
Middle East Yemen 22,230,531 0.7% [http://religiousfreedom.lib.virginia.edu/nationprofiles/Yemen/rbodies.html] 155,614
Southern Africa Zambia 11,477,447 0.14% [http://www.religiousintelligence.co.uk/country/?CountryID=166] [http://religiousfreedom.lib.virginia.edu/nationprofiles/Zambia/rbodies.html] 16,068
Southern Africa Zimbabwe 12,311,143 0.1% [http://religiousfreedom.lib.virginia.edu/nationprofiles/Zimbabwe/rbodies.html] 123,111
Total 6,671,226,000 14.468% - 14.553% 965,211,399 - 970,921,642

By region

These percentages were calculated by using the above numbers. The first percentage, 4th column, is the percentage of population that is Hindu in a region (Hindus in the region * 100/total population of the region). The last column shows the Hindu percentage compared to the total Hindu population of the world (Hindus in the region * 100/total Hindu population of the world).

"(Note: Egypt, Sudan, and other Arab Maghreb countries are counted as part of North Africa, not Middle East).

Hinduism in Africa
Region Total Population Hindus % of Hindus % of Hindu total
Central Africa 83,121,055 0 0% 0%
East Africa 193,741,900 667,694 0.345% 0.071%
North Africa 202,151,323 5,765 0.003% 0.001%
Southern Africa 137,092,019 1,269,844 0.926% 0.135%
West Africa 268,997,245 70,402 0.026% 0.007%
Total 885,103,542 2,013,705 0.228% 0.213%

Hinduism in Asia
Region Total Population Hindus % of Hindus % of Hindu total
Central Asia 92,019,166 149,644 0.163% 0.016%
East Asia 1,527,960,261 130,631 0.009% 0.014%
Middle East 274,775,527 792,872 0.289% 0.084%
South Asia 1,437,326,682 929,515,433 64.67% 98.475%
Southeast Asia 571,337,070 6,386,614 1.118% 0.677%
Total 3,903,418,706 936,975,194 24.004% 99.266%

Hinduism in Europe
Region Total Population Hindus % of Hindus % of Hindu total
Balkans 65,407,609 0 0% 0%
Central Europe 74,510,241 163 0% 0%
Eastern Europe 212,821,296 717,101 0.337% 0.076%
Western Europe 375,832,557 1,306,052 0.348% 0.138%
Total 728,571,703 2,023,316 0.278% 0.214%

Hinduism in The Americas
Region Total Population Hindus % of Hindus % of Hindu total
Caribbean 24,898,266 279,515 1.123% 0.030%
Central America 41,135,205 5,833 0.014% 0.006%
North America 446,088,748 1,806,720 0.405% 0.191%
South America 371,075,531 389,869 0.105% 0.041%
Total 883,197,750 2,481,937 0.281% 0.263%

Hinduism in Oceania
Region Total Population Hindus % of Hindus % of Hindu total
Oceania 30,564,520 411,907 1.348% 0.044%

Top 25

ee also

* List of religious populations
* Christianity by country
* Buddhism by country
* Islam by country
* Jews by country
* No Faith by Country
* and Bahá'í statistics


* The US State Department's "International Religious Freedom Report 2006" [http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/]
* "CIA FactBook" [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/]
* "adherents.com" [http://www.adherents.com/Na/Na_298.html#1868]
* "Religious Freedom page" [http://religiousfreedom.lib.virginia.edu/nationprofiles/]
* "census.gov" [http://www.census.gov/cgi-bin/ipc/idbrank.pl]

External links

* [http://www.afghanhindu.info/ www.afghanhindu.info]
* [http://www.hscnet.org/ Hindu Students Council (primarily in the Americas, but with international chapters)]

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  • Hinduism in France — The Hindu community in France consists of some long time residents and many recent immigrants. Although Hinduism does not constitute a large proportion of the population it appears to be growing rapidly; the current Hindu population of France is… …   Wikipedia

  • Hinduism in Arab states — There are many Hindus in Arab states, many due to the migration of Indian labourers to the oil rich states around the Persian Gulf.For example, about 60% of the Indian community in Dubai and the Northern Emirates are blue collar workers who live… …   Wikipedia

  • Hinduism in the United Kingdom — In the 2001 UK census there were 558,342 Hindus in the United Kingdom [ [http://www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/nugget.asp?id=954 UK 2001 census] ] . The Hindu Forum of Britain has extrapolated this in 2006 to a figure of 750,000 Hindus based on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Hinduism in Estonia — From the religious movements of Eastern origin that reached Estonia, beginning from the end of the 1980s, first and foremost were the ones inspired by Hinduism and Buddhism. Hinduism and Buddhism were registered in the 1990s.Population of Hindus… …   Wikipedia

  • Hinduism in the West Indies — Hinduism is the leading single religion of the Indo Caribbean communities of the West Indies. Hindus are particularly well represented in Trinidad and Tobago, where they constituted 25 percent of the total population, as of 1995. Smaller groups… …   Wikipedia

  • Hinduism in Ghana — Hinduism in GhanaHinduism is a minor religion in Ghana.Hinduism is spread to Ghana actively by Ghana s Hindu Monastery headed by Swami Ghananand Saraswati and Hare Krishnas.Sathya Sai Organisation, Ananda Marga and Brahma Kumaris are also active… …   Wikipedia

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