оценка по методу максимального правдоподобия
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Mle'a — or Meleah (Hebrew: מְלֵאָה) is a moshav in the Ta anakh region in northern Israel. It belongs to the Gilboa Regional Council. It was founded in 1956 by immigrants to Israel from Morocco in the program to settle the Ta anakh region. By the end… … Wikipedia
MLE — can mean:* In broadcast, multi layered effects. * In statistics, maximum likelihood estimator. * In e learning, Managed Learning Environment. * In M learning, Mobile Learning Engine an open source learning environment for mobile phones. * In… … Wikipedia
Mlȅci — m mn 〈G Mlȅtākā〉 pov., {{c=1}}v. {{ref}}Venecija{{/ref}} … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
MLE — Die Abkürzung MLE steht für: in M Learning: Mobile Learning Engine eine Open Source Lernanwendung für Mobiltelefone Magister Legum Europae den IATA Code des Malé International Airport auf den Malediven Major League Eating in der Statistik für… … Deutsch Wikipedia
mle — wham·mle; … English syllables
Mle. 1935A, (1935S) — Mle. 1935A Mle. 1935A Mle. 1935S УСМ: одинарного действия Калибр: 7.65mm Longue Вес без патронов: 790 г Длина: 188 мм Длина ствола: 105 мм Емкость магазина: 8 патронов Пистолеты образца 1935 года (по французски Modele или Mle. 1935) были… … Энциклопедия стрелкового оружия
mlȅtački — pril. kao Mlečanin, na način Mlečana … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
mlȅtačkī — prid. 1. {{001f}}koji se odnosi na Mletke i Mlečane 2. {{001f}}pov. venecijanski u povijesnom smislu [∼ dužd] ∆ {{001f}}Mletačka Republika pov. pomorska i trgovačka država (od 7. st.) kojoj je Venecija glavni grad; od 10. st. započinje s… … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
Mle 1951 AP blast mine — See also: Modèle 1951 (mine) The Mle 1951 (Model 1951) or MI AP ID 51 is a small circular French brown plastic cased minimum metal mine anti personnel blast mine. The mine uses a pressure fuze that works by driving a firing pin through a friction … Wikipedia
MLE — maritime law enforcement … Military dictionary
MLE — Male (Community » Law) * Male, Maldives (Regional » Airport Codes) * Media Lab Europe (Business » Firms) * Media Lab Europe (Community » Media) * Manufacturing Logistics Engineering (Business » Firms) * Mediated Learning Experience (Community »… … Abbreviations dictionary