mixture control assembly

mixture control assembly
регулятор состава смеси, высотный корректор (двигателя)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "mixture control assembly" в других словарях:

  • Control table — This simple control table directs program flow according to the value of the single input variable. Each table entry holds a possible input value to be tested for equality (implied) and a relevant subroutine to perform in the action column. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Control rod — PWR control rod assembly, above fuel element A control rod is a rod made of chemical elements capable of absorbing many neutrons without fissioning themselves. They are used in nuclear reactors to control the rate of fission of uranium and… …   Wikipedia

  • Unit Control Block — In IBM mainframe operating systems from the z/OS line, a Unit Control Block (UCB) is a memory structure, or a control block , that describes any single input/output peripheral device, or a unit , to the operating system.A similar concept in Unix… …   Wikipedia

  • Autogas — is the common name for liquified petroleum gas (LPG) when it is used as a fuel in internal combustion engines in vehicles. The same equipment is also used for similar engines in stationary applications such as generators.Autogas is widely used as …   Wikipedia

  • MegaSquirt — is the registered trademark of an aftermarket electronic fuel injection (EFI) controller designed to be used with a wide range of spark ignition internal combustion engines (i.e., not diesel engines.) It is a complete standalone fuel injection… …   Wikipedia

  • Rolls-Royce Merlin — Merlin The Rolls Royce Merlin …   Wikipedia

  • airplane — /air playn /, n. 1. a heavier than air aircraft kept aloft by the upward thrust exerted by the passing air on its fixed wings and driven by propellers, jet propulsion, etc. 2. any similar heavier than air aircraft, as a glider or helicopter. Also …   Universalium

  • Abkürzungen/Luftfahrt/L–R — Dies ist der vierte Teil der Liste Abkürzungen/Luftfahrt. Liste der Abkürzungen Teil 1 A A Teil 2 B–D B; C; D Teil 3 E–K …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • L4 microkernel family — L4 is a family of second generation microkernels, generally used to implement Unix like operating systems, but also used in a variety of other systems. L4 was a response to the poor performance of earlier microkernel base operating systems.… …   Wikipedia

  • Bede BD-5 — infobox Aircraft name = BD 5 type = Homebuilt manufacturer = Bede Aviation caption = Guinness Record Holder, The World s Smallest Jet, BD 5J N3038V. designer = Jim Bede first flight = 1971 introduced = 1970s retired = produced = number built =… …   Wikipedia

  • AFWA — Dies ist der erste Teil einer Liste der Abkürzungen und Akronyme, wie sie in der Luftfahrt und Militärluftfahrt verwendet werden. Viele Abkürzungen werden einfach durch Weglassen der Vokale gebildet. Liste der Abkürzungen Teil 1 A A (AA; AB; AC;… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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