
1) смеситель
2) перемешивающее устройство; мешалка
3) метал., пищ. миксер
4) цел.-бум. мешальный ролл
5) составитель шихты
6) преобразователь частоты; смеситель
7) звукорежиссёр
8) микшер
9) строкоотливная наборная машина с двумя - четырьмя магазинами
A-B mixer
air flow mixer
arm mixer
arm-type dough mixer
audio mixer
baffle-plate column mixer
baffle-type mixer
balanced mixer
Banbury mixer
barrel mixer
batch concrete mixer
batch mixer
bench mixer
blade paddle mixer
blade mixer
cavity transfer mixer
cement mixer
circulating mixer
clay mixer
color mixer
column mixer
concrete mixer
continuous concrete mixer
counterflow mixer
crystal mixer
diode mixer
double-balanced mixer
double-dump meat mixer
double-helical mixer
double-motion paddle mixer
dough mixer
drum mixer
dubbing mixer
electric mixer
emulsifying mixer
finline mixer
fixed-drum concrete mixer
floor mixer
fountain mixer
fundamental mixer
gate mixer
gravity concrete mixer
grout mixer
harmonic mixer
harmonically pumped mixer
high-discharge mixer
homodyne mixer
hopper-elevating dump meat mixer
horse-shoe mixer
hot-metal mixer
image-rejection mixer
impeller mixer
inactive mixer
inclined-axis mixer
in-line static mixer
internal mixer with intermeshing rotor
internal mixer
jet mixer
knob-a-channel video mixer
level mixer
loam mixer
lock-in mixer
low-noise mixer
low-spurious mixer
metal mixer
microphone mixer
mortar mixer
mud blade mixer
muller mixer
paddle mixer
pan mixer
paving mixer
plaster mixer
plow-blade mixer
portable concrete mixer
propeller mixer
pug mixer
rake mixer
revolving-drum concrete mixer
ribbon mixer
roller mixer
rotary-drum concrete mixer
royer sand mixer
screw mixer
single-balanced mixer
single-ended mixer
single-sideband mixer
slotline mixer
sound mixer
square-law mixer
straight arm mixer
subharmonically pumped mixer
tank mixer
tea mixer
tilting-type mixer
transit mixer
truck mixer
tumbling mixer
turbine mixer
ultrasonic mixer
vacuum mixer
vertical mixer
viscose mixer
vision mixer
wobbling drum mixer

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "mixer" в других словарях:

  • Mixer — may refer to: An electronics device: DJ mixer, a type of audio mixing console used by disc jockeys Electronic mixer, a device for adding or multiplying signal voltages together Frequency mixer, a telecommunications device used to shift the… …   Wikipedia

  • mixer — [ mikse ] v. tr. <conjug. : 1> • 1934; de l angl. to mix « mélanger » 1 ♦ Audiovis. Procéder au mixage de. 2 ♦ Passer (un aliment) au mixeur. ● mixer verbe transitif (anglais to mix, mélanger) Mélanger des éléments différents pour obtenir… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • mixer — MÍXER, mixere, s.n. 1. Amestecător hidraulic folosit la prepararea laptelui de ciment pentru cimentarea sondelor. 2. Aparat electric care serveşte la amestecarea, baterea etc. alimentelor. – v. malaxor. – Din fr., engl. mixer. Trimis de… …   Dicționar Român

  • Mixer — Mix er, n. 1. One who, or that which, mixes. [1913 Webster] 2. A person who has social intercourse with others of many sorts; a person viewed as to his casual sociability; commonly used with some characterizing adjective; as, a good mixer; a bad… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mixer — [mik′sər] n. 1. a person or thing that mixes; specif., ☆ a) a person with reference to the ability to get along with others [a good mixer] b) an electric appliance for mixing or beating foods c) a machine for mixing [concrete mixer] d) a person… …   English World dictionary

  • Mixer — [Network (Rating 5600 9600)] Bsp.: • Hast du einen Mixer? …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • mixer — / miksə/, it. / mikser/ s. ingl. [propr. mescolatore , der. di (to ) mix mescolare ], usato in ital. al masch. (tecn.) [elettrodomestico usato per mischiare fra loro vari ingredienti] ▶◀ ‖ centrifugatore, frullatore, robot (da cucina) …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • mixer — (n.) 1610s, worker who mixes, agent noun from MIX (Cf. mix) (v.). As a type of machine, from 1876. Meaning troublemaker attested by 1938; sense of social gathering to mingle and get acquainted dates from 1916 …   Etymology dictionary

  • mixer — /ˈmikser, ingl. ˈmɪksə(r)/ [vc. ingl., da to mix «mescolare»] s. m. inv. 1. (di recipiente) miscelatore, mescolatore, scotitoio 2. (di persona) tecnico del missaggio 3. missaggio …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • mixer — ► NOUN 1) a machine or device for mixing things. 2) a person considered in terms of their ability to mix socially. 3) a soft drink that can be mixed with alcohol. 4) (in recording and cinematography) a device for merging input signals to produce… …   English terms dictionary

  • mixer — [[t]mɪ̱ksə(r)[/t]] mixers 1) N COUNT: usu supp N A mixer is a machine used for mixing things together. → See also , food mixer ...an electric mixer. 2) N COUNT A mixer is a non alcoholic drink such as fruit juice that you mix with strong alcohol… …   English dictionary

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