
1) зеркало, отражатель, рефлектор || зеркальный
2) физ. зеркальная ловушка
3) плоскость симметрии, зеркальная плоскость
rubby mirror
100% mirror
actively cooled mirror
adaptive mirror
adjustable mirror
air-based mirror
aligned mirrors
aluminum-coated mirror
annular mirror
antenna mirror
antidazzle driving mirror
apertured mirror
apodized mirror
aspherical mirror
aspheric mirror
astigmatic mirror
back-coated mirror
back-sputtered mirror
back-surface mirror
ball mirror
bare mirror
beam-deflecting mirror
beam-splittering mirror
beam-splitter mirror
biconical mirror
birefringent mirror
black mirror
booster mirror
boosting mirror
broad-band mirror
Cassegrainian mirror
Cassegrain mirror
cavity end mirror
cavity mirror
chemically etched mirror
chopping mirror
coarse tuning mirror
cold mirror
collecting mirror
collimating mirror
color selective mirror
compensating mirror
complex mirror
composite mirror
concave mirror
concentrating mirror
confocal mirrors
continuous surface mirror
continuously deformable mirror
controllable mirror
convex mirror
coolable mirror
corner mirror
correcting mirror
corrugated mirror
coupling mirror
crossed mirrors
cryogenic-cooled mirror
current mirror
cylinder parabolic mirror
cylindrical Fresnel mirror
dark mirror
decoupling mirror
deformable mirror
deployable mirror
diaphragm mirror
diathermic mirror
dichroic mirror
dielectric mirror
dielectric-coated mirror
dispersive mirror
disposable mirror
distributed mirror
distributed-feedback mirror
double-gimballed mirror
double-surface mirror
dual-band mirror
edge-coupled mirror
edge-mounted mirror
elastic mirror
electric mirror
electrochromic mirror
electromagnetic mirror
electromechanically aimed mirror
electron mirror
etched mirror
evaporated mirror
faceted mirror
facet mirror
feedback mirror
fine tuning mirror
finely machined mirror
first surface mirror
fixed mirror
flat mirror
flat-roof mirror
flexible mirror
fluid-cooled mirror
focusing mirror
folded mirror
folding mirror
Fresnel mirror
Fresnel zone pattern mirror
front-surface mirror
full rate mirror
fully segmented mirror
galvanometer mirror
Gaussian graded mirror
GBL space relay mirror
GEO mirror
getter mirror
gimballed mirror
graphite fiber-reinforced glass matrix composite mirror
grooved mirror
half-rate mirror
half-reflecting mirror
half-transmitting mirror
head mirror
heat mirror
heat-reflecting mirror
heat-transmitting mirror
HEL mirror
high-performance mirror
high-reflectivity coated mirror
high-transmissivity mirror
hole-coupled mirror
honeycombed metal mirror
horizon mirror
horizontal mirror
hot mirror
humidity-resistant mirror
hyperbolic mirror
illuminating mirror
inclined mirror
index mirror
infinite radius mirror
inflatable mirror
integrated active mirror
interference mirror
inwardly facing mirror
ion mirror
isolating mirror
laser mirror
laterally reversing mirror
leaky mirror
liquid-cooled mirror
liquid-metal mirror
long-focus mirror
magnetic mirror
matching mirror
metallic mirror
metal mirror
metallic-surfaced mirror
misaligned mirrors
monolithic mirror
mosaic mirror
movable mirror
moving mirror
multiactuator mirror
multifaceted mirror
multilayer mirror
multiline mirror
multiple-element mirror
multiple mirror
multisided mirror
multiside mirror
nontransmitting mirror
objective mirror
one-piece mirror
optical mirror
optically facing mirrors
orbiting mirror
orbiting-relay mirror
oscillatable mirror
outcoupling mirror
overcoated mirror
parabolic mirror
paraboloidal mirror
partially reflecting mirror
partially transparent mirror
passivated mirror
path-folding mirror
pellicle mirror
perfectly parallel mirrors
phase-conjugate mirror
planar mirror
point mirror
pointing mirror
polarizing mirror
polygonal mirror
powdered metal mirror
prismatic mirror
pump mirror
radio mirror
rear mirror
rear-view mirror
receiving mirror
resonator mirror
retroreflecting mirror
reversal mirror
rotating mirror
scanning mirror
sector mirror
see-through mirror
segmented mirror
semireflecting mirror
semitransmitting mirror
semitransparent mirror
sensing mirror
servo-trackable mirror
shape-changing mirror
short-focus mirror
silvered mirror
single-element mirror
slanted mirror
solar mirror
space-apart mirrors
space-based mirror
space-relay mirror
specular mirror
spherical mirror
spinning mirror
split mirror
spoiled mirror
stationary mirror
steerable mirrors
steering mirror
strip mirror
thermally compensated mirror
totally reflecting mirror
tracker mirror
track mirror
tuning mirror
turning mirror
twin mirror
two-axis pivoted mirror
two-way mirror
unfolded mirror
UV enhanced mirror
variable reflectivity mirror
varifocal mirror
water cooled mirror
wavelength selective mirror
wide-angle mirror
wraparound mirror
zoned mirror
zoom mirror

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "mirror" в других словарях:

  • Mirror — Mir ror, n. [OE. mirour, F. miroir, OF. also mireor, fr. (assumed) LL. miratorium, fr. mirare to look at, L. mirari to wonder. See {Marvel}, and cf. {Miracle}, {Mirador}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A looking glass or a speculum; any glass or polished… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mirror go — is a type of elementary Go opening strategy. It refers to all go openings in which one player plays moves that are diagonally opposite those of this opponent, making positions that have a rotational symmetry through 180° about the central 10 10… …   Wikipedia

  • Mirror — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para otros usos de este término, véase Mirrors. Mirror es un término usado en Internet para referirse a un servidor FTP, página WEB o cualquier otro recurso que es espejo de otro, es decir, tiene una copia de la… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Mirror — Mir ror, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Mirrored}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Mirroring}.] 1. To reflect, as in a mirror. [1913 Webster] 2. To copy or duplicate; to mimic or imitate; as, the files at Project Gutenberg were mirrored on several other ftp sites around… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mirror — Mirror, The a British daily ↑tabloid newspaper owned by Mirror Group Newspapers. It usually supports the Labour Party …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • mirror — [n] glass that reflects image cheval glass, gaper, hand glass, imager, looking glass, pier glass, polished metal, reflector, seeing glass, speculum; concepts 443,470 mirror [v] copy, reflect act like, depict, double, echo, embody, emulate,… …   New thesaurus

  • mirror — [mir′ər] n. [ME mirour < OFr mireor < VL * miratorium < mirare: see MIRAGE] 1. a smooth surface that reflects the images of objects; esp., a piece of glass coated on the reverse side as with silver or an amalgam 2. anything that gives a… …   English World dictionary

  • mirror — index copy, impersonate, mock (imitate), reproduce Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • mirror — n *model, example, pattern, exemplar, ideal, standard, beau ideal …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • mirror — ► NOUN 1) a surface, typically of glass coated with a metal amalgam, which reflects a clear image. 2) something accurately representing something else. ► VERB 1) show a reflection of. 2) correspond to. ORIGIN Old French mirour, from Latin mirare… …   English terms dictionary

  • Mirror — looking glass redirects here. For other uses, see Looking Glass (disambiguation). This article is about wave reflectors (mainly, specular reflection of visible light). For other uses, see Mirror (disambiguation). A mirror, reflecting a vase A… …   Wikipedia

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