midpoint anchoring

midpoint anchoring
ж.-д. средняя анкеровка

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "midpoint anchoring" в других словарях:

  • line — 1. A mark, strip, or streak. In anatomy, a long, narrow mark, strip, or streak distinguished from the adjacent tissues by color, texture, or elevation. SEE ALSO: linea. 2. A unit of …   Medical dictionary

  • Catenary — This article is about the mathematical curve. For other uses, see Catenary (disambiguation). Chainette redirects here. For the wine grape also known as Chainette, see Cinsaut. A hanging chain forms a catenary …   Wikipedia

  • College Creek — Coordinates: 37°13′23″N 76°41′38″W / 37.22306°N 76.69389°W / 37.22306; 76.69389 College Creek (formerly named Archer s Hope Creek) is l …   Wikipedia

  • human embryology — ▪ biology Introduction       the process encompassing the period from the formation of an embryo, through the development of a fetus, to birth.       The human body, like that of most animals, develops from a single cell produced by the union of… …   Universalium

  • Overhead lines — This article is about the transmission of electrical power to road and rail vehicles. For transmission of bulk electrical power to general consumers, see Electric power transmission. For powerlines mounted on pylons, see overhead power line.… …   Wikipedia

  • Queen's Creek — is located in York County in the Virginia Peninsula area of the Hampton Roads region of southeastern Virginia in the United States. From a point of origin near the Waller Mill Reservoir in western York County it flows northeasterly across the… …   Wikipedia

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  • carpentry — /kahr peuhn tree/, n. 1. the trade of a carpenter: He earned his living at carpentry. 2. the work produced by a carpenter. 3. the way in which something, esp. a work of literature, is structured. [1350 1400; ME carpentrie < ONF < L carpentaria… …   Universalium

  • PSALMS, BOOK OF — This article is arranged according to the following outline: < <title> > place in the canon number of psalms verse division division into books composition of the psalter date of the psalter ascription to david types of psalms psalms… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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