- automatic input
1) автоматический ввод (данных)2) данные, вводимые автоматически
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
automatic input — automatinis duomenų įvedimas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. automatic input vok. automatische Dateneingabe, f rus. автоматический ввод данных, m pranc. entrée des données automatique, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Automatic summarization — is the creation of a shortened version of a text by a computer program. The product of this procedure still contains the most important points of the original text. The phenomenon of information overload has meant that access to coherent and… … Wikipedia
Automatic parallelization — Automatic parallelization, also auto parallelization, autoparallelization, parallelization, or //ization (shorthand), the last two of which imply automation when used in context, refers to converting sequential code into multi threaded or… … Wikipedia
Automatic vehicle location — Automatic vehicle locating or AVL is a concept for determining the geographic location of a vehicle and transmitting this information to a point from where it was requested. Telelocating using location based services is a common term in the… … Wikipedia
Automatic Packet Reporting System — (APRS) is an amateur radio based system for real time tactical digital communications of information of immediate value in the local area. In addition, all such data is ingested into the APRS Internet system (APRS IS) and distributed globally for … Wikipedia
Automatic gain control — (AGC) is an adaptive system found in many electronic devices. The average output signal level is fed back to adjust the gain to an appropriate level for a range of input signal levels. For example, without AGC the sound emitted from an AM radio… … Wikipedia
Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast — Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS), zu deutsch etwa Automatische bordabhängige Überwachung, ist ein System der Flugsicherung zur Anzeige der Flugbewegungen im Luftraum. Die Luftfahrzeuge bestimmen selbständig ihre Position, beispielsweise… … Deutsch Wikipedia
automatic gain control — noun A system in amplifiers that compensates for a wide range of input signals to give a more uniform level of output • • • Main Entry: ↑automatic … Useful english dictionary
Automatic transmission — An automatic transmission (commonly AT or Auto ) is an automobile gearbox that can change gear ratios automatically as the vehicle moves, freeing the driver from having to shift gears manually. Similar but larger devices are also used for heavy… … Wikipedia
Automatic Deformation Monitoring System — An automatic deformation monitoring system is a group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent software and hardware elements forming a complex whole for deformation monitoring that, once set up, does not require human input to function.… … Wikipedia
Automatic Identification System — The Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a system used by ships and Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) principally for identification and locating vessels. AIS provides a means for ships to electronically exchange ship data including:… … Wikipedia