microwave amplifier

microwave amplifier
усилитель сверхвысокой частоты, СВЧ-усилитель, микроволновый усилитель

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "microwave amplifier" в других словарях:

  • Microwave Power Module — A Microwave Power Module (MPM) is a microwave device used to amplify radio frequency signals to high power levels. It is a hybrid combination of solid state and vacuum tube electronics, which encloses a solid state driver amplifier (SSPA),… …   Wikipedia

  • Amplifier — For other uses, see Amplifier (disambiguation). Generally, an amplifier or simply amp, is a device for increasing the power of a signal. In popular use, the term usually describes an electronic amplifier, in which the input signal is usually a… …   Wikipedia

  • Microwave transmission — The atmospheric attenuation of microwaves in dry air with a precipitable water vapor level of 0.001 mm. The downward spikes in the graph correspond to frequencies at which microwaves are absorbed more strongly, such as by oxygen molecules… …   Wikipedia

  • Crossed-field amplifier — A crossed field amplifier (CFA) is a specialized vacuum tube, first introduced in the mid 1950s and frequently used as a microwave amplifier in very high power transmitters. Raytheon engineer William C. Brown s work to adapt magnetron principles… …   Wikipedia

  • List of cosmic microwave background experiments — A comparison of the sensitivity of WMAP with COBE and Penzias and Wilson s telescope. Simulated data. There have been a variety of experiments to measure the Cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation anisotropies and polarization since its… …   Wikipedia

  • Electronic amplifier — A practical amplifier circuit An electronic amplifier is a device for increasing the power of a signal. It does this by taking energy from a power supply and controlling the output to match the input signal shape but with a larger amplitude. In… …   Wikipedia

  • Distributed amplifier — Distributed amplifiers are circuit designs that incorporate transmission line theory into traditional amplifier design to obtain a larger gain bandwidth product than is realizable by conventional circuits. N stage traveling wave amplifier …   Wikipedia

  • Logarithmic video amplifier — A logarithmic video amplifier or LVA is typically part of radar and electronic countermeasures microwave systems and sonar navigation systems, used to convert a very large dynamic range input power to an output voltage that increases… …   Wikipedia

  • Valve RF amplifier — A valve RF amplifier (UK and Aus.) or tube amplifier (U.S.), is a device for electrically amplifying the power of an electrical , typically (but not exclusively) radio frequency signals.Low to medium power valve amplifiers for frequencies below… …   Wikipedia

  • Optical parametric amplifier — An optical parametric amplifier, abbreviated OPA, is a laser light source that emits light of variable wavelengths by an optical parametric amplification process. Contents 1 Optical parametric generation (OPG) 2 Optical parametric amplification… …   Wikipedia

  • Low-noise amplifier — The low noise amplifier (LNA) is a special type of electronic amplifier or amplifier used in communication systems to amplify very weak signals captured by an antenna. It is often located very close to the antenna, so that losses in the feedline… …   Wikipedia

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