- microprobe
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Microprobe — A microprobe is an instrument that applies a stable and well focused beam of charged particles (electrons or ions) to a sample. Types When the primary beam consists of accelerated electrons, the probe is termed an electron microprobe, when the… … Wikipedia
microprobe — See electron microprobe … Dictionary of molecular biology
microprobe — mikrozondas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. microprobe vok. Mikrosonde, f rus. микрозонд, m pranc. microsonde, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
microprobe — ˈmīkrəˌˌ noun Etymology: micr + probe (I) : a device for microanalysis that operates by exciting radiation in a minute area or volume of material so that the composition may be determined from the emission spectrum * * * microprobe, process see… … Useful english dictionary
microprobe — noun Date: 1944 a device for microanalysis that operates by exciting radiation in a minute area of material so that the composition may be determined from the emission spectrum … New Collegiate Dictionary
microprobe — /muy kreuh prohb /, n. 1. Chem., Spectroscopy. a device used to excite radiation by a material in order to determine chemical or elemental composition from the emission spectrum produced. 2. Surg. a miniature probe for use in microsurgery. [1955… … Universalium
microprobe — noun an instrument used to determine the chemical composition at a point on a solid surface, such as that of a mineral; analyzes the X rays emitted when a beam of electrons are focused on the sample … Wiktionary
microprobe — mi·cro·probe .prōb n a device for microanalysis that operates by exciting radiation in a minute area or volume of material so that the composition may be determined from the emission spectrum * * * mi·cro·probe (miґkro prōb″) a minute… … Medical dictionary
microprobe — maɪkrəʊprəʊb n. tiny instrument which beams electrons onto a surface in order to stimulate the emission of X rays that can be analyzed to determine the chemical composition of a material (Spectroscopy) … English contemporary dictionary
microprobe — noun an instrument in which a narrow beam of electrons is focused on to a sample and the resulting fluorescence is analysed to yield chemical information … English new terms dictionary
microprobe — mi·cro·probe … English syllables