micro motion

micro motion

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "micro motion" в других словарях:

  • Micro Lua DS — est une implémentation aujourd hui open source pour la Nintendo DS du langage de programmation Lua de la même manière que celle qui existe pour la PSP avec Lua Player. Elle se base sur la bibliothèque de dessin conçue par Brunni, la µLibrary,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Micro Star v. FormGen Inc. — Micro Star v. FormGen Inc. United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit Argued November 4, 1997 Decided September 11, 1998 Full case name MICRO STAR v. FORMGEN INC., a corporat …   Wikipedia

  • Micro combustion — is the sequence of exothermic chemical reaction between a fuel and an oxidant accompanied by the production of heat and conversion of chemical species at micro level. The release of heat can result in the production of light in the form of either …   Wikipedia

  • Motion graphics — are graphics that use video footage and/or animation technology to create the illusion of motion or rotation, graphics are usually combined with audio for use in multimedia projects. Motion graphics are usually displayed via electronic media… …   Wikipedia

  • Motion graphic design — Motion Design is a subset of graphic design in that it uses graphic design principles in a filmmaking or video production context (or other temporally evolving visual medium) through the use of animation or filmic techniques. Examples include the …   Wikipedia

  • Micro air vehicle — Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, California A Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) flies over a simulated combat area during an operational test flight. The MAV is in the operational test phase with military Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) teams to… …   Wikipedia

  • Micro-g environment — The term micro g environment (also µg, often referred to by the term microgravity) is more or less a synonym of weightlessness and zero G, but indicates that g forces are not quite zero, just very small.[1] The symbol for microgravity, µg, was… …   Wikipedia

  • Micro-Phonies (album) — For the Three Stooges short, see Micro Phonies. Micro Phonies Studio album by Cabaret Voltaire …   Wikipedia

  • Micro perforated plate — A Micro Perforated Plate (MPP) is a device used to absorb sound, reducing its intensity. It consists of a thin flat plate, made from one of several different materials, with small holes punched in it. An MPP offers an alternative to traditional… …   Wikipedia

  • Micro-USB-Standard — Der Micro USB Standard bezeichnet eine Regelung auf Basis des USB Standards, nach der ab 2011 die Steckverbinder für die Stromversorgung von Mobiltelefonen und anderen elektronischen Geräten in Europa vereinheitlicht werden soll. Micro USB… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Motion capture — Captation de mouvements La capture de mouvements ou captation de mouvements (motion capture ou mocap) désigne de façon générique les techniques permettant de capter les mouvements d un élément réel afin de les renvoyer dans un univers… …   Wikipédia en Français

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