- metropolitan area
площадь города с пригородами
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Metropolitan Area — [metrə pɔlɪtn eərɪə], in den USA Begriff für einen Siedlungskomplex, bestehend aus einer Stadt und ihren Vororten, auch für eine Gruppe benachbarter, wirtschaftlich und sozial zusammenhängender Städte; der Siedlungskomplex schließt auch nicht… … Universal-Lexikon
metropolitan area — metropolitan area, the area or region including a large city and its suburbs: »The metropolitan area of New York goes over into New Jersey, up the Hudson River, and into Long Island (Baltimore Sun) … Useful english dictionary
metropolitan area — index city Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Metropolitan area — Densely populated metropolitan area (Western Tokyo) The term metropolitan area refers to a region consisting of a densely populated urban core and its less populated surrounding territories, sharing industry, infrastructure, and housing … Wikipedia
metropolitan area — ▪ demography also called Metropolis, a major city together with its suburbs and nearby cities, towns, and environs over which the major city exercises a commanding economic and social influence. Literally construed, metropolis from the… … Universalium
metropolitan area — noun An area of population usually with a central or core city and surrounding towns or suburbs. Before the year was out there were, in addition to Redwoods pioneer vehicle, quite a number of motor perambulators to be seen in the west of London.… … Wiktionary
Metropolitan Area Commuter System — Parent Fairbanks North Star Borough Founded 1977 Headquarters 3175 Peger Road, Fairbanks AK 99709 (administration, operations) 501 Cushman Stree … Wikipedia
Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel — The Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel (首都圏外郭放水路, shutoken gaikaku hōsuiro … Wikipedia
Metropolitan Area Express — Metropolitan Area Express … Википедия
Metropolitan area network — (MAN) (от англ. «сеть крупного города») представляет собой сеть по размерам меньшую чем WAN, но большую, чем LAN. MAN применяется для объединения в одну сеть группы сетей, расположенных в разных зданиях. В диаметре такая сеть может составлять от… … Википедия
Metropolitan Area Network — Metropolitan Area Network, MAN … Universal-Lexikon