medium voltage system

medium voltage system
высоковольтная распределительная сеть (на напряжение ниже 10 кВ)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "medium voltage system" в других словарях:

  • Medium wave — Main article: Medium frequency Medium wave (MW) is the part of the medium frequency (MF) radio band used mainly for AM broadcasting. For Europe the MW band ranges from 526.5 kHz to 1606.5 kHz[1] and in North America an extended MW… …   Wikipedia

  • nervous system — Anat., Zool. 1. the system of nerves and nerve centers in an animal or human, including the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and ganglia. 2. a particular part of this system. Cf. autonomic nervous system, central nervous system, peripheral nervous… …   Universalium

  • Distribution mangagement system — SCADA systems have been a part of utility automation for at least 15 years and contributing to the decision making process of the control rooms. However, majority of the existing solutions are closely related to distribution network data… …   Wikipedia

  • human cardiovascular system — ▪ anatomy Introduction       organ system that conveys blood through vessels to and from all parts of the body, carrying nutrients and oxygen to tissues and removing carbon dioxide and other wastes. It is a closed tubular system in which the… …   Universalium

  • Ship gun fire-control system — Mk 37 Director c1944 with Mk 12 (rectangular antenna) and Mk 22 orange peel Ship gun fire control systems (GFCS) enable remote and automatic targeting of guns against ships, aircraft, and shore targets, with or without the aid of radar or optical …   Wikipedia

  • Low-voltage differential signaling — Low voltage differential signaling, or LVDS, is an electrical signaling system that can run at very high speeds over inexpensive twisted pair copper cables. It was introduced in 1994, and has since become very popular in computers, where it forms …   Wikipedia

  • Centimetre–gram–second system of units — CGS redirects here. For other uses, see CGS (disambiguation). The centimetre–gram–second system (abbreviated CGS or cgs) is a metric system of physical units based on centimetre as the unit of length, gram as a unit of mass, and second as a unit… …   Wikipedia

  • Radio communication system — A radio communication system send signals by radio. [cite book | title = Wireless Network Performance Handbook | author = Clint Smith, Curt Gervelis | year = 2003 | publisher = McGraw Hill Professional | isbn = 0071406557 | url =… …   Wikipedia

  • HVAC control system — A HVAC control system is a computerized control system for climate control in buildings. Stand alone control devices may be pneumatic or electronic. Some may have microprocessors, but to be considered a control system for the context of this… …   Wikipedia

  • Network information system — (abbreviation: NIS) is an information system for managing networks, such as electricity network, water supply network, gas supply network, or telecommunications network. NIS may manage all data relevant to the network, e.g. all components and… …   Wikipedia

  • Maximum Integrated Data Acquisition System — For other uses of MIDAS , see MIDAS (disambiguation). MIDAS Example web page via mhttpd showing status of an experiment …   Wikipedia

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