mechanical clamp

mechanical clamp
механизированный зажим

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "mechanical clamp" в других словарях:

  • Hose clamp — A hose clamp or hose clip is a device used to attach and seal a hose onto a fitting such as a barb or nib. A hose clamp is not the same as a pipe clamp which is a clamp made partly out of a pipe, not a clamp for clamping pipe. TypesMany types are …   Wikipedia

  • F-clamp — An F clamp is a simple mechanical device used for holding materials together. The name comes from its F shape. The F clamp is similar to a C clamp in use, but has a wider opening capacity. An F clamp may also be called a bar clamp or speed clamp …   Wikipedia

  • Band clamp — A band clamp (also known as a web clamp) is a type of clamp which allows the clamping of items where the surfaces to be clamped are not parallel to each other; where there are multiple surfaces involved; or where clamping pressure is required… …   Wikipedia

  • Vibrator (mechanical) — A vibrator is a mechanical device that is designed to generate vibrations. The vibration is often generated by an electric motor with an unbalanced mass on its driveshaft. If the motor is switched on, the rotating weight resonates.There are many… …   Wikipedia

  • Riser clamp — A Riser clamp is a device used by mechanical building trades to support vertical runs of piping at each floor level. The devices are simply clamped on with friction and then rest at each floor level. Ordinarily, riser clamps are made of carbon… …   Wikipedia

  • diamond cutting — Branch of lapidary art involving the five basic steps in fashioning a diamond: marking, cleaving, sawing, girdling, and faceting. The most popular style is the brilliant cut, a round stone with 58 facets; a round diamond with only 18 facets is… …   Universalium

  • Brake-by-wire — Drive by wire technology in automotive industry replaces the traditional mechanical and hydraulic control systems with electronic control systems using electromechanical actuators and human machine interfaces such as pedal and steering feel… …   Wikipedia

  • Stage lighting instrument — Stage lighting instruments are used in stage lighting to illuminate theatrical productions, rock concerts and other performances taking place in live performance venues. They are also used to light television studios and sound stages.Terminology… …   Wikipedia

  • hand tool — any tool or implement designed for manual operation. * * * Introduction  any of the implements used by craftsmen in manual operations, such as chopping, chiseling, sawing, filing, or forging. Complementary tools, often needed as auxiliaries to… …   Universalium

  • Cardiac output — (Q or or CO ) is the volume of blood being pumped by the heart, in particular by a left or right ventricle in the time interval of one minute. CO may be measured in many ways, for example dm3/min (1 dm3 equals 1000 cm3 or 1 litre). Q is… …   Wikipedia

  • Clutch — For other uses, see Clutch (disambiguation). Rear side of a Ford V6 engine, looking at the clutch housing on the flywheel …   Wikipedia

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