mean field

mean field
поле осреднённых величин

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "mean field" в других словарях:

  • Mean field theory — (MFT, also known as self consistent field theory) is a method to analyse physical systems with multiple bodies. A many body system with interactions is generally very difficult to solve exactly, except for extremely simple cases (random field… …   Wikipedia

  • Dynamical mean field theory — (DMFT) is a method to determine the electronic structure of strongly correlated materials. In such materials, the approximation of independent electrons, which is used in Density Functional Theory and usual band structure calculations, breaks… …   Wikipedia

  • Self-consistent mean field (biology) — The self consistent mean field (SCMF) method is an adaptation of mean field theory used in protein structure prediction to determine the optimal amino acid side chain packing given a fixed protein backboneref|Koehl. It is faster but less accurate …   Wikipedia

  • Self-consistent mean field — may be one of the following:* Mean field theory, an approach to the many body problem in physics and statistical mechanics * Self consistent mean field (biology), an application of this theory to the problem of protein structure prediction …   Wikipedia

  • Field Marshal (disambiguation) — Field Marshal and similar can mean: *Field Marshal, a top Army officer rank used by Armies of various countries. *Field Marshall, a model of agricultural tractor. The badge shows a marshal s baton held by an arm. * Field Marshall, an introductory …   Wikipedia

  • Field-theoretic simulation — A field theoretic simulation is a numerical strategy to calculate structure and physical properties of a many particle system within the framework of a statistical field theory, like e.g. a polymer field theory. A convenient possibility is to use …   Wikipedia

  • Mean Green Village — is the name of the athletic village on campus of the University of North Texas (UNT). Mean Green Village is built on the site of the former Eagle Point Golf Course, adjacent to the main campus. [1] [2] [3] Since 2002, several buildings have been… …   Wikipedia

  • Mean Mr. Mustard — Song by The Beatles from the album Abbey Road Released 26 September 1969 Recorded 24–29 July 1969, EMI Studios, London Genre Rock …   Wikipedia

  • Field-tube boiler — Field tube, sectioned A Field tube boiler (also known as a bayonet tube[1] ) is a form of water tube boiler where the water tubes are single ended. The tubes are closed at one end, and they contain a concentric inner tube. Flow is thus separated… …   Wikipedia

  • Field name — can mean a number of different things: *In computer science, a field name identifies a field in a database record or other data structure. *In the United Kingdom, each field has a field name... *In any field science, field name refers to the… …   Wikipedia

  • field — field, domain, province, sphere, territory, bailiwick are comparable when they denote the limits in which a person, an institution, or a department of knowledge, of art, or of human endeavor appropriately or necessarily confines his or its… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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