mean approximation

mean approximation
приближение в среднем

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "mean approximation" в других словарях:

  • Mean field theory — (MFT, also known as self consistent field theory) is a method to analyse physical systems with multiple bodies. A many body system with interactions is generally very difficult to solve exactly, except for extremely simple cases (random field… …   Wikipedia

  • Mean and predicted response — In linear regression mean response and predicted response are values of the dependent variable calculated from the regression parameters and a given value of the independent variable. The values of these two responses are the same, but their… …   Wikipedia

  • Mean free path — In physics, the mean free path is the average distance covered by a moving particle (such as an atom, a molecule, a photon) between successive impacts (collisions) [1] which modify its direction or energy or other particle properties. Contents 1… …   Wikipedia

  • Mean squared error — In statistics, the mean squared error (MSE) of an estimator is one of many ways to quantify the difference between values implied by a kernel density estimator and the true values of the quantity being estimated. MSE is a risk function,… …   Wikipedia

  • Dynamical mean field theory — (DMFT) is a method to determine the electronic structure of strongly correlated materials. In such materials, the approximation of independent electrons, which is used in Density Functional Theory and usual band structure calculations, breaks… …   Wikipedia

  • Boussinesq approximation (water waves) — In fluid dynamics, the Boussinesq approximation for water waves is an approximation valid for weakly non linear and fairly long waves. The approximation is named after Joseph Boussinesq, who first derived them in response to the observation by… …   Wikipedia

  • Oseen's Approximation — In 1910 Carl Wilhelm Oseen proposed Oseen s Approximation to treat problems in which a flow field consists of small disturbance of a constant mean flow. His work was based on the experiments of Navier Stokes. Stokes studied a sphere of radius “a” …   Wikipedia

  • Arithmetic mean — In mathematics and statistics, the arithmetic mean, often referred to as simply the mean or average when the context is clear, is a method to derive the central tendency of a sample space. The term arithmetic mean is preferred in mathematics and… …   Wikipedia

  • Percus–Yevick approximation — In statistical mechanics the Percus–Yevick approximation is a closure relation to solve the Ornstein–Zernike equation. It is also referred to as the Percus–Yevick equation. It is commonly used in fluid theory to obtain e.g. expressions for the… …   Wikipedia

  • Self-consistent mean field (biology) — The self consistent mean field (SCMF) method is an adaptation of mean field theory used in protein structure prediction to determine the optimal amino acid side chain packing given a fixed protein backboneref|Koehl. It is faster but less accurate …   Wikipedia

  • Least Mean Squares — Der LMS Algorithmus (Least Mean Squares Algorithmus) ist ein Algorithmus zur Approximation der Lösung des Least Mean Squares Problems, das z. B. in der digitalen Signalverarbeitung vorkommt. In der Neuroinformatik ist der Algorithmus vor allem… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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