- mayday
(радио)сигнал бедствия
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Mayday — est une expression utilisée internationalement dans les communications radio téléphoniques pour signaler qu un avion ou qu un bateau est en détresse. Son usage est prescrit par la Conférence de Washington de 1927 de l «International Radio… … Wikipédia en Français
Mayday V — Andreas Gursky, 2006 Dye Transfer, 324 cm × 217,9 cm Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam Link zum Bild (Bitte Urheberrechte beachten) Mayday … Deutsch Wikipedia
¡Mayday! — Origin Miami, Florida, U.S. Genres Hip hop, Rock Years active 2006 (2006)–present Labels … Wikipedia
Mayday — Mayday международный сигнал бедствия в радиотелефонной связи. Mayday музыкальный фестиваль (техно рейв), проводящийся в Санкт Петербурге с 2002 года. См. также Праздник весны и труда … Википедия
Mayday — kommer fra det franske ord m aidez, som betyder hjælp mig … Danske encyklopædi
mayday — /mei dɛi/, it. /mei dɛi/ interiez. e s. ingl. [tratto dal fr. m aider! aiutarmi! ], usato in ital. come s.m. 1. (telecom.) [segnale usato internazionalmente nelle comunicazioni radiotelefoniche per chiedere aiuto] ▶◀ ‖ s.o.s. 2. (estens.)… … Enciclopedia Italiana
mayday — distress call, 1923, apparently an Englished spelling of Fr. m aider, shortening of venez m aider come help me! But possibly a random coinage with coincidental resemblance: May Day Is Airplane SOS ENGLISH aviators who use radio telephone… … Etymology dictionary
mayday — /ingl. ˈmeɪˌdeɪ/ [vc. ingl., corrispondente alla pronuncia del fr. (venez) m aider! «(venite ad) aiutarmi!»] s. m. inv. S.O.S., richiesta di aiuto, segnale di soccorso … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Mayday — ► NOUN ▪ an international radio distress signal used by ships and aircraft. ORIGIN from the pronunciation of French m aidez help me … English terms dictionary
Mayday — [mā′dā΄] n. [prob. short for Fr (venez) m aider, (come) help me] the international radiotelephone signal for help, used by ships and aircraft in distress … English World dictionary
Mayday — For other uses, see Mayday (disambiguation). A Mayday call might result in the activation of a lifeboat such as this Severn class lifeboat Mayday is an emergency procedure word used internationally as a distress signal in voice procedure radio… … Wikipedia