- master data
1) основные данные2) эталонные данные
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Master data — Master data, which may include reference data, is information that is key to the operation of business and is the primary focus of the Information Technology (IT) discipline of Master Data Management (MDM). This key business information may… … Wikipedia
master data — pagrindiniai duomenys statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. BASIC data; master data vok. Grundangaben, f; Grunddaten; Grundwerte, m; Master Daten; Stammdaten rus. основные данные pranc. données principales, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Master data management — In computing, master data management (MDM) comprises a set of processes and tools that consistently defines and manages the non transactional data entities of an organization (which may include reference data). MDM has the objective of providing… … Wikipedia
Master Data Management — In computing, master data management (MDM) comprises a set of processes and tools that consistently defines and manages the non transactional data entities of an organization (also called reference data). MDM has the objective of providing… … Wikipedia
Master Data Management — Gestion des données de référence La gestion des données de référence (GDR ; en anglais Reference Data Management, ou Master Data Management, dont le sigle est MDM), est la discipline des technologies de l information qui s applique aux… … Wikipédia en Français
Master Data Management — Stammdatenverwaltung bezeichnet die zentrale Verwaltung von Stammdaten oder Referenzdaten (engl. master data), um system und anwendungsübergreifende Konsistenz sicherzustellen. Stammdaten werden vor allem in größeren Unternehmen häufig in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
master data — noun Reference data … Wiktionary
Master data — Основные данные … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Microsoft SQL Server Master Data Services — is a Master Data Management (MDM) product from Microsoft, which will ship as a part of the Microsoft SQL Server database.[1] Originally code named Bulldog, Master Data Services is the rebranding of the Stratature MDM product titled +EDM, which… … Wikipedia
SAP Master Data Management — (SAP MDM) is a component of SAP s NetWeaver product group and is used as a platform to consolidate, cleanse and synchronise a single version of the truth for master data within a heterogeneous application landscape. It has the ability to… … Wikipedia
SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management — (SAP NW MDM) это компонент продукта SAP NetWeaver, используемый для консолидации, проверки и синхронизации единой версии основных данных в рамках гетерогенного информационного ландшафта компании. Позволяет распространять согласованные… … Википедия