- master control
1) центральный пульт управления2) тлв центральная аппаратная; аппаратно-программный блок, АПБ3) задающее воздействие4) эталонное управляющее воздействие
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Master control — Fox Business Network s Master Control Master control is the technical hub of a broadcast operation common among most over the air television stations and television networks. It is distinct from a production control room (PCR) in television… … Wikipedia
Master Control Facility (ISRO) — INSAT 1B, one of the first satellites to be controlled by MCF, Hassan The Master Control Facility (MCF)(Hindi:मुख्य नियंत्रण सुविधा) is a facility set up by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in the city of Hassan in the Indian state… … Wikipedia
master control console — pagrindinis valdymo pultas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. master console; master control console; master operations console; primary console vok. Hauptkonsole, f; Hauptsteuerpult, n rus. главный пульт управления, m pranc. console … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Master Control Program — Das MCP (Master Control Program) ist das proprietäre Betriebssystem der Burroughs Large Systems, einbezogen der Unisys ClearPath/MCP Systeme. Ursprünglich 1961 in ESPOL (Executive Systems Programming Oriented Language) programmiert, welches… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Master control — RadioPP see Control room … Audio and video glossary
INSAT Master Control Facility — is one of the centers of Indian Space Research Organisation, which is responsible for post launch operations on INSAT satellites including orbit manoeuvres, station keeping and on orbit operations. INSAT MCF of ISRO are located at two locations,… … Wikipedia
Presentation switcher (master control switch) — A&V Another term for master control switcher used in Europe and some other countries outside the US. There are minor differences applicable to the specific area of use … Audio and video glossary
Master control system — A&V The switching link for video and audio sources used between a television facility and a transmitting device … Audio and video glossary
master control program — Program that directs the operation of a system and its memory … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
master — mas|ter1 [ˈma:stə US ˈmæstər] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(skilled person)¦ 2 be a past master (at something) 3¦(man with authority)¦ 4 be your own master 5 be master of your own fate/destiny 6¦(original)¦ 7 Master of Arts/Science/Education etc 8¦(teacher)¦… … Dictionary of contemporary English
master — 1 noun (C) 1 OWNER/LEADER old fashioned a man who has control or authority over other people, for example servants or workers: His staff were always very loyal to their master. | be your own master (=control your own work or life): I started this … Longman dictionary of contemporary English