mass load
Смотреть что такое "mass load" в других словарях:
Mass Effect 2 — Developer(s) BioWare Publisher(s) Electronic Arts Director(s) … Wikipedia
Mass wasting — at Palo Duro Canyon, West Texas (2002) … Wikipedia
load — [n1] cargo, freight amount, bale, bundle, capacity, charge, consignment, contents, encumbrance, goods, haul, heft, hindrance, lading, mass, pack, parcel, part, payload, shipment, shot, weight; concepts 338,432 load [n2] burden, pressure… … New thesaurus
Load factor — may refer to:* Capacity factor, the ratio of the actual output of a power plant over a period of time and its output if it had operated a full capacity of that time period * Load factor (aerodynamics), n, is the vector expressed by the ratio of… … Wikipedia
mass — 1 n: an aggregation of usu. similar things (as assets in a succession) considered as a whole mass 2 adj: participated in by or affecting a large number of individuals mass insurance underwriting mass tort litigation Merriam Webster’s Dictionary… … Law dictionary
load — n: an amount added (as to the price of a security or the net premium in insurance) to represent selling expense and profit to the distributor compare no load Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. load … Law dictionary
mass — [n1] body of matter; considerable portion accumulation, aggregate, assemblage, band, batch, block, bulk, bunch, chunk, clot, coagulation, collection, combination, concretion, conglomeration, core, corpus, crowd, entirety, gob, great deal, greater … New thesaurus
Mass versus weight — The chains on the swing hold all the child’s weight. If one were to stand behind her at the bottom of the arc and try to stop her, one would be acting against her inertia, which arises purely from mass, not weight. In everyday usage, the mass of… … Wikipedia
Load transfer — In automobiles, load transfer is the imaginary shifting of weight around a motor vehicle during acceleration (both longitudinal and lateral). This includes braking, and deceleration (which is an acceleration at a negative rate). Load transfer is… … Wikipedia
load — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. burden; cargo, lading, shipment; charge. See gravity, transportation. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A physical burden] Syn. weight, encumbrance, carload, wagonload, hindrance, shipload, parcel, pressure,… … English dictionary for students
load — I. noun Etymology: Middle English lod, from Old English lād support, carrying more at lode Date: 12th century 1. a. the quantity that can be carried at one time by a specified means; especially a measured quantity of a commodity fixed for each… … New Collegiate Dictionary