masking tape

masking tape
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "masking tape" в других словарях:

  • Masking tape — Painter s tape, a type of masking tape usually used for wall painting …   Wikipedia

  • masking tape — ► NOUN ▪ adhesive tape used in painting to cover areas on which paint is not wanted …   English terms dictionary

  • masking tape — [mas′kiŋ, mäs′kiŋ] n. tape for use in covering surfaces that border on an area to be painted so as to protect them …   English World dictionary

  • masking tape — n [U] long narrow paper that is sticky on one side, used especially to protect the edge of an area which you are painting …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • masking tape — noun adhesive tape used to cover the part of a surface that should not be painted • Syn: ↑masking paper • Hypernyms: ↑adhesive tape * * * noun [noncount] : a type of tape that is sticky on one side and that has many different uses (such as to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • masking tape — {n.} A paper tape that is stuck around the edges of a surface being painted to keep the paint off the surface next to it. * /The painters put masking tape around the window frames to keep the paint off the glass./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • masking tape — {n.} A paper tape that is stuck around the edges of a surface being painted to keep the paint off the surface next to it. * /The painters put masking tape around the window frames to keep the paint off the glass./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • masking\ tape — noun A paper tape that is stuck around the edges of a surface being painted to keep the paint off the surface next to it. The painters put masking tape around the window frames to keep the paint off the glass …   Словарь американских идиом

  • masking tape — N UNCOUNT Masking tape is plastic or paper tape which is sticky on one side and is used, for example, to protect part of a surface that you are painting …   English dictionary

  • masking tape — mask′ing tape n. adhesive tape used esp. for protecting surfaces …   From formal English to slang

  • masking tape — noun Date: 1936 a tape with adhesive on one side that has a variety of uses (as to cover a surface when painting near it) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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