Смотреть что такое "autoactivation" в других словарях:
autoactivation — noun autocatalysis … Wiktionary
autoactivation — SYN: autocatalysis. * * * au·to·ac·ti·va·tion .ȯt ō .ak tə vā shən n AUTOCATALYSIS * * * au·to·ac·ti·va·tion (aw″to ak″tĭ vaґshən) the activation of a cell by its own secretory products … Medical dictionary
Anti-apolipoprotein antibodies — AutoAbBox Autoantigen = Apolipoprotein,β 2 Glycoprotein 1 OneIsoform = Yes OneIsoformSpecialName = Apolipoprotein H OneGene = APOH OneOrgan = Cardiovascular OneTissue = serum OneCell = blood platelets OneAlso = serum proteins OneDisease =… … Wikipedia
Classical complement pathway — The classical and alternative complement pathways. The Classical pathway of activation of the complement system is a group of blood proteins that mediate the specific antibody response. The main activators of the Classical Pathway are antigen… … Wikipedia
autocatalysis — A reaction in which one or more of the products formed acts to catalyze the reaction; beginning slowly, the rate of such a reaction rapidly increases. Cf.:chain reaction. SYN: autoactivation. * * * au·to·ca·tal·y·sis .ȯt ō kə tal ə səs n, pl… … Medical dictionary
MyoD — Myogenic differentiation 1 PDB rendering based on 1mdy … Wikipedia
Alpha 2-antiplasmin — (or α2 antiplasmin or plasmin inhibitor) is a serine protease inhibitor (serpin) responsible for inactivating plasmin, an important enzyme that participates in fibrinolysis and degradation of various other proteins. This protein is encoded by the … Wikipedia
Athymhormic syndrome — Athymhormic syndrome, or psychic akinesia, is a rare neurological syndrome characterized by extreme passivity, apathy, blunted affect, and a profound generalized loss of self motivation and conscious thought. For example, a patient with this… … Wikipedia
Myogenin — (myogenic factor 4) Identifiers Symbols MYOG; MYF4; MYOGENIN; bHLHc3 External IDs … Wikipedia
Caspase-9 — Caspase 9, apoptosis related cysteine peptidase PDB rendering based on 1jxq … Wikipedia
Apolipoprotein H — (Apo H), previously known as (β2 glycoprotein I, beta 2 glycoprotein I), is a multifunctional apolipoprotein. One of its functions is to bind cardiolipin. When bound the structure of cardiolipin and Apo H both undergo large changes in… … Wikipedia