
авто передняя стойка (кузова)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "A-pillar" в других словарях:

  • Pillar of Shame — is the name for each scultpure in a series by Danish artist Jens Galschiot. Each sculpture is an 8 metre tall bronze, copper or concrete statue. Currently, five sculptures have been erected, in Rome, Hong Kong, Mexico, Brazil and… …   Wikipedia

  • PILLAR — (Heb. עַמּוּד; from the root ʿmd, to stand ), a column that stands perpendicular to the ground and generally serves to support the beams of a roof. In this article no distinction will be made between pillar, column, and post. The pillar is used… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Pillar — Пиллар Основная информация …   Википедия

  • Pillar of autumn — Le Pillar of Autumn est un croiseur du CSNU de classe Halcyon. Ce vaisseau joue un rôle essentiel dans le jeu vidéo Halo: Combat Evolved. Structure Avant la guerre contre les Covenants, le Pillar of Autumn (littéralement Pilier d Automne ) devait …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Pillar — Pil lar, n. [OE. pilerF. pilier, LL. pilare, pilarium, pilarius, fr. L. pila a pillar. See {Pile} a heap.] 1. The general and popular term for a firm, upright, insulated support for a superstructure; a pier, column, or post; also, a column or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pillar saint — Pillar Pil lar, n. [OE. pilerF. pilier, LL. pilare, pilarium, pilarius, fr. L. pila a pillar. See {Pile} a heap.] 1. The general and popular term for a firm, upright, insulated support for a superstructure; a pier, column, or post; also, a column …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pillar of Cloud (Pillar of Fire) —     Pillar of Cloud     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Pillar of Cloud     (PILLAR OF FIRE).     A cloud which accompanied the Israelites during their wandering. It was the same as the pillar of fire, as it was luminous at night (cf. Ex., xiv, 19, 20 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Pillar — steht für Pillar, eine bestimmte Ausführung der Litfaßsäule Geografisches Pillar (Lake District), Berg in England Rock and Pillar Range, Bruchschollengebirge in Neuseeland weiteres Pillar (Band), Band Pillar Car Protector, Kfz Schutzvorrichtung… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • pillar — pillar, column, pilaster denote a structure that rises high from a base or foundation, is slender in comparison with its width, and usually has a monolithic and decorative appearance. Pillar is the general term and applies to any such structure… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Pillar of Fire — can refer to * Pillar of Fire (theophany), a manifestation of God in the Tanakh * Pillar of Fire Church, a religious community in Zarephath, New Jersey * Pillar of Fire (novel) by Judith Tarr * Pillar of Fire (ballet) by Anthony Tudor * Pillar of …   Wikipedia

  • Pillar Point Harbor — is a boat harbor created by a riprap jetty in San Mateo County, California immediately north of Half Moon Bay. The site was originally inhabitated by the Ohlone people in prehistoric times, and a number of recorded shipwrecks occurred in the… …   Wikipedia

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