marginal groove
Смотреть что такое "marginal groove" в других словарях:
marginal groove — See: carapace groove g [Martin, 2005]. (Order Decapoda): See: carapace grooves k [McLaughlin, 1980]. (Order Decapoda): On each side of carapace, groove close to and parallel with margin; according to position one may distinguish lateromarginal… … Crustacea glossary
groove — See: carapace groove [Martin, 2005]. (Order Decapoda): One of numerous furrows extending along carapace. According to position and according to group, one may distinguish antennal, branchiocardiac, buccal, cervical, dorsomedian, gastroorbital,… … Crustacea glossary
groove for marginal sinus — sulcus sinus marginalis … Medical dictionary
carapace groove — Furrow on surface of decapod, generally dorsal named types: a) antennal. Furrow on carapace extending backward from vicinity of antennal spine. b) branchiocardiac. Oblique furrow approximately in middle of posterior half of each side of carapace … Crustacea glossary
carapace teeth — (Order Decapoda): (a) cardiac. On midline of carapace just posterior to cervical groove. (b) gastric. On midline of carapace immediately anterior to cervical groove. (c) lateral. On lateral margin of carapace; anterolateral, mediolateral, and… … Crustacea glossary
carapace tooth — Generally blunt projection of carapace, often broader than spine. See: carapace teeth, stomatopod integumental ornamentation [McLaughlin, 1980]. Small sharp spinous projection in varied locations named types: (a) cardiac. Tooth on mid line of… … Crustacea glossary
posterior tooth — (ARTHROPODA: Crustacea) In Decapoda, a midline carapace tooth between the posterior margin and the marginal groove … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
carapace carina — Narrow ridge on surface of carapace (cf. decapod carapace and stomatopod integumental ornamentation) [McLaughlin, 1980]. Narrow ridge variously located on surface of decapoda carapace named types: a) antennal. Narrow ridge extending backward from … Crustacea glossary
carapace carinae — (Order Decapoda): (a) antennal. Extending posteriorly from antennal spine. (b) branchial. Extending posteriorly from orbit over branchial region. (c) branchiocardiac. Dividing branchial from cardiac region. (d) gastroorbital. Extending… … Crustacea glossary
posterior carina — See: carapace carina (g) [Martin, 2005]. (Order Decapoda): See: carapace regions (h) [McLaughlin, 1980]. (Order Decapoda): On carapace, narrow, transverse ridge in front of marginal groove [Stachowitsch, 1992] … Crustacea glossary
posterior tooth — See: carapace tooth (e) [Martin, 2005]. See: carapace teeth (e) [Butler, T.H.]. (Order Decapoda): On midline of carapace, tooth like projection between marginal groove and posterior margin. (Syn. posteromedian tooth) [Stachowitsch, 1992] … Crustacea glossary