marginal distribution

marginal distribution
безусловное (одномерное) распределение; частное распределение

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "marginal distribution" в других словарях:

  • Marginal distribution — In probability theory and statistics, the marginal distribution of a subset of a collection of random variables is the probability distribution of the variables contained in the subset. The term marginal variable is used to refer to those… …   Wikipedia

  • Marginal — may refer to: For marginal constituency in politics, see “Marginal seat” For the manga, see Marginal (manga) For marginal model in hierarchical linear modeling, see “Marginal model” For marginal observables in physics, see “Renormalization group” …   Wikipedia

  • marginal — marginal, ale, aux [ marʒinal, o ] adj. et n. • XVe; du lat. margo, marginis « marge » I ♦ Adj. 1 ♦ Qui est mis dans la marge. Note marginale. ♢ Géogr. Récifs marginaux, en bordure d une côte. Fosse marginale (cf. Marge continentale). 2 ♦ (angl.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Distribution (economics) — Distribution in economics refers to the way total output, income, or wealth is distributed among individuals or among the factors of production (such as labour, land, and capital).[1]. In general theory and the national income and product… …   Wikipedia

  • Marginal intra-industry trade — Marginal Intra Industry Trade, a concept originating in international economics, refers to the phenomenon where the change in a country s exports over a certain period of time are essentially of the same products as its change in imports over the …   Wikipedia

  • distribution theory — ▪ economics Introduction       in economics, the systematic attempt to account for the sharing of the national income among the owners of the factors of production land, labour, and capital. Traditionally, economists have studied how the costs of …   Universalium

  • Distribution of the FairTax burden — Part of the U.S. Taxation series FairTax FairTax subarticles Distribution of the burden …   Wikipedia

  • Marginal utility — In economics, the marginal utility of a good or service is the utility gained (or lost) from an increase (or decrease) in the consumption of that good or service. Economists sometimes speak of a law of diminishing marginal utility, meaning that… …   Wikipedia

  • Marginal model — In statistics, marginal models (Heagerty Zeger, 2000) are a technique for obtaining regression estimates in multilevel modeling, also called hierarchical linear models. People often want to know the effect of a predictor/explanatory variable X,… …   Wikipedia

  • Marginal cost — A typical marginal cost curve with marginal revenue overlaid In economics and finance, marginal cost is the change in total cost that arises when the quantity produced changes by one unit. That is, it is the cost of producing one more unit of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Marginal value theorem — The optimal time spent in a patch is given by the tangent to the resource intake curve that departs from the expected transit time value. Any other line crossing the resource intake curve has a shallower slope and thus a sub optimal resource… …   Wikipedia

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