- manual handling
1) ручное манипулирование2) погрузка-разгрузка вручную3) ручная транспортировка
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Manual handling — of loads (MHL), manual material handling (MMH) or manutention (in Australia[1]) involves the use of the human body to lift, lower, fill, empty, or carry loads.[2] The load can be animate (a person or animal) or inanimate (an object). Most… … Wikipedia
manual handling — UK US noun [U] HR ► the act of moving something using the physical strength of your body, rather than using a machine: »The Health and Safety Executive issues a guide to safe lifting and manual handling … Financial and business terms
handling — hand‧ling [ˈhændlɪŋ] noun [uncountable] 1. the way in which a problem, situation, or person is dealt with: • He is charged with securities fraud in the handling of his clients accounts. • Inept handling of sackings is bad not just for those… … Financial and business terms
Manual fare collection — is the practice of collecting fares manually (without the aid of an automated machine). Fare collection generally refers to the collection of fares in the transport industry in return for a ticket or passes to travel. Commonly used on buses and… … Wikipedia
manual — [man′yo͞o əl] adj. [ME manuel < OFr < L manualis < manus, a hand < IE * mə n és (akin to * mṇtos > Gmc * mund > ON & OE mund, a hand) < base < * mər , *mən , hand] 1. a) of or having to do with a hand or the hands b) made … English World dictionary
manual exercise — noun (military) Drill in handling arms • • • Main Entry: ↑manual … Useful english dictionary
handling — noun 1. manual (or mechanical) carrying or moving or delivering or working with something (Freq. 2) • Hypernyms: ↑manual labor, ↑manual labour • Hyponyms: ↑materials handling, ↑loading, ↑unloading 2 … Useful english dictionary
Manual labour — Detail from Labor, Charles Sprague Pearce (1896). Manual labour (British English), manual labor (American English) or manual work is physical work done by people, most especially in contrast to that done by machines, and also to that done by… … Wikipedia
manual — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English manuel, from Anglo French, from Latin manualis, from manus hand; akin to Old English mund hand and perhaps to Greek marē hand Date: 15th century 1. a. of, relating to, or involving the hands < manual… … New Collegiate Dictionary
manual — manually, adv. /man yooh euhl/, adj. 1. done, operated, worked, etc., by the hand or hands rather than by an electrical or electronic device: a manual gearshift. 2. involving or using human effort, skill, power, energy, etc.; physical: manual… … Universalium
Manual of arms — A manual of arms was an instruction book for handling and using weapons in formation, whether in the field or on parade. Such manuals were especially important in the matchlock and flintlock eras, when loading and firing was a complex and lengthy … Wikipedia