manifold block

manifold block
коллектор (гидросистемы)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "manifold block" в других словарях:

  • Manifold Destiny (cookbook) — Manifold Destiny is a 1989 cookbook (ISBN 0679723374), its updated 1998 edition (ISBN 0375751408) and a 2008 update (ISBN 1416596232) on the subject of cooking on the surface of a car engine. It was written by Chris Maynard and Bill Scheller, a… …   Wikipedia

  • Block and bleed manifold — A block and bleed manifold is a hydraulic manifold that combines one or more block/isolate valves, usually ball valves, and one or more bleed/vent valves, usually ball or needle valves, into one component, for interface with other components… …   Wikipedia

  • Chevrolet small-block engine — Chevrolet Small Block V8 engine Manufacturer: General Motors Production: 1955–2003 Successors: GM LT engine, GM LS engine Type: small block V8 265 Produ …   Wikipedia

  • Chevrolet Big-Block engine — The Chevrolet big block is a series of large displacement V8 engines that were developed in the USA during the 1950s and 1960s. As American automobiles grew in size and weight following the Second World War the engines powering them had to keep… …   Wikipedia

  • Chevrolet Small-Block engine — IntroductionChevrolet s small block V8 is a famous automobile engine. Nicknamed mouse motor [ small block chevy engine build/index.html Hot Rod Magazine. 302 Small Block Chevy Engine Build Mighty (Efficient)… …   Wikipedia

  • Cam-in-block — The cam in block valvetrain layout of piston engines is one where the camshaft is placed within the cylinder block, usually beside and slightly above the crankshaft in a straight engine or directly above the crankshaft in the V of a V engine.… …   Wikipedia

  • Symplectic manifold — In mathematics, a symplectic manifold is a smooth manifold, M, equipped with a closed nondegenerate differential 2 form, ω, called the symplectic form. The study of symplectic manifolds is called symplectic geometry or symplectic topology.… …   Wikipedia

  • Long block — is an automotive term describing an engine sub assembly consisting of the following: * Short block. The long block is always a superset of the corresponding short block. * Cylinder head. A complete new or remanufactured cylinder head assembly is… …   Wikipedia

  • Hydraulic manifold — A hydraulic manifold is a component which regulates fluid flow between pumps and actuators and other components in a hydraulic system. It is like a switchboard in an electrical circuit because it lets the operator control how much fluid flows… …   Wikipedia

  • Autogas — is the common name for liquified petroleum gas (LPG) when it is used as a fuel in internal combustion engines in vehicles. The same equipment is also used for similar engines in stationary applications such as generators.Autogas is widely used as …   Wikipedia

  • блок маніфольда — блок манифольда manifold block *Manifold Block, Block des Manifoldes – комплект напірного і приймально роздавального колекторів, змонтований на шасі автомобіля і призначений для обв язування насосних аґреґатів між собою і гирловим устаткуванням… …   Гірничий енциклопедичний словник

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