maintenance rate

maintenance rate
периодичность технического обслуживания

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать реферат

Смотреть что такое "maintenance rate" в других словарях:

  • Maintenance philosophy — is the mix of strategies that ensure an item works as expected when needed.[1][2] Contents 1 Definition 1.1 Failure Detection 1.1.1 Conditi …   Wikipedia

  • MAINTENANCE — (Heb. מְזוֹנוֹת, mezonot), generally speaking, the supply of all the necessaries of the party entitled thereto, i.e., not only food, but also matters such as medical expenses, raiment, lodging, etc. (Sh. Ar., EH 73:7; see husband and wife ). When …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Maintenance testing — is that testing which is performed to either identify equipment problems, diagnose equipment problems or to confirm that repair measures have been effective. It can be performed at either the system level (e.g., the HVAC system), the equipment… …   Wikipedia

  • Maintenance of Certification — (MOC) is the process of keeping physician certification up to date through one of the 24 approved medical specialty boards of the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). The ABMS, a non profit organization, is one entity overseeing… …   Wikipedia

  • Maintenance of Certification (MOC) — is the process of keeping physician certification up to date through one of the 24 approved medical specialty boards of the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). The ABMS, a non profit organization, is one entity overseeing physician… …   Wikipedia

  • rate — I. /reɪt / (say rayt) noun 1. a certain quantity or amount of one thing considered in relation to a unit of another thing and used as a standard or measure: at the rate of 60 kilometres an hour. 2. a fixed charge per unit of quantity: a rate of… …  

  • maintenance performance bond — The minimum equity that must be maintained for each contract in a customer s account subsequent to deposit of the initial performance bond. If the equity drops below this level, a deposit must be made to bring the account back to the initial… …   Financial and business terms

  • Failure rate — is the frequency with which an engineered system or component fails, expressed for example in failures per hour. It is often denoted by the Greek letter λ (lambda) and is important in reliability engineering. The failure rate of a system usually… …   Wikipedia

  • Adaptive Multi-Rate — Das Global System for Mobile Communications (früher Groupe Spécial Mobile, GSM) ist ein Standard für volldigitale Mobilfunknetze, der hauptsächlich für Telefonie, aber auch für leitungsvermittelte und paketvermittelte Datenübertragung sowie… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • E-Rate — is the commonly used name for the Schools and Libraries Program of the Universal Service Fund, which is administered by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) under the direction of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).… …   Wikipedia

  • Reliability centered maintenance — Reliability Centered Maintenance, often known as RCM , is an industrial improvement approach focused on identifying and establishing the operational, maintenance, and capital improvement policies that will manage the risks of equipment failure… …   Wikipedia

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