mains-operated radio

mains-operated radio
радиостанция или радиоприёмник с сетевым питанием

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "mains-operated radio" в других словарях:

  • Batteryless radio — Radio receivers were originally operated by battery. The term batteryless radio was initially used for the radio receivers which could be used directly by AC mains supply (mains radio).It was invented on April 8, 1925 in Canada by Edward S.… …   Wikipedia

  • Antique radio — DIORA AGA RSZ 50 ca.1947 from Poland An antique radio is a radio receiving set that is collectible because of its age and rarity. Although collectors may differ on the cutoff dates, most would use 50 years old, or the pre World War II Era, for… …   Wikipedia

  • Amateur radio station — Fixed ground station of a German amateur radio operator An amateur radio station is an installation designed to provide radiocommunications in the amateur radio service for an amateur radio operator. Radio amateurs build and operate several types …   Wikipedia

  • Crystal radio — Crystal set redirects here. For the Australian rock band, see The Crystal Set. A modern reproduction of an antique crystal set. It is tuned to different stations by moving the sliding contact (right) up and down the tuning coil (red). The device… …   Wikipedia

  • Syndrome de radio-exposition aiguë — Syndrome d irradiation aiguë Le syndrome d irradiation aiguë (ou, anciennement, maladie des rayons) désigne un ensemble de symptômes potentiellement mortels qui résultent d une exposition ponctuelle des tissus biologiques d une partie importante… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Tube socket — Left to right: octal (top and bottom view), loctal, and miniature (top and side view) sockets. An early transistor socket and an IC socket are included for comparison. Tube sockets are electrical sockets into which vacuum tubes (also known as… …   Wikipedia

  • Mobile phone — Cell Phone redirects here. For the film, see Cell Phone (film). Handphone redirects here. For the film, see Handphone (film) …   Wikipedia

  • Hammacher Schlemmer — Founded in 1848, Hammacher Schlemmer is an established retailer and cataloger specializing in high quality, innovative and unique products. Hammacher Schlemmer is now the oldest continuously published catalog in the United States with annual… …   Wikipedia

  • IEC 60320 — IEC connector redirects here. For other uses, see IEC connector (disambiguation). IEC 60320 is a set of international standards specifying non locking electrical power couplers for the connection of power supply cords to electrical appliance up… …   Wikipedia

  • Solar inverter — Internal view of a solar inverter. A solar inverter or PV inverter is a critical component in a Photovoltaic system. It performs the conversion of the variable DC output of the Photovoltaic (PV) modules into a utility frequency AC current that… …   Wikipedia

  • Non-directional beacon — Radio Tower of NKR Leimen Ochsenbach, Germany This symbol denotes an NDB on an aeronaut …   Wikipedia

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