mail box
Смотреть что такое "mail box" в других словарях:
mail|box — «MAYL BOKS», noun. 1. a public box from which mail is collected: »We walked down to the corner mailbox to post the letters. 2. a private box to which mail is delivered: »Everybody in the apartment building went to their mailbox each morning.… … Useful english dictionary
mail box — pašto dėžutė statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. mail box vok. Briefkasten, m rus. почтовый ящик, m pranc. boîte de courrier, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
mail box rule — n. in contract law, making a written offer or acceptance of offer valid if sent in the mail, with postage, within the time in which the offer must be accepted, unless the offer requires acceptance by personal delivery on or before the… … Law dictionary
mail box — / meɪl bɒks/ noun 1. one of several boxes where incoming mail is put in a large building 2. a box where letters which are being sent are put to be collected 3. an area of a computer memory where emails are stored … Dictionary of banking and finance
mail box — A receptacle for the deposit of mail, whether outgoing mail to be picked up by a carrier or mail arriving for a particular person … Ballentine's law dictionary
mail·box — … Useful english dictionary
Rural Mail Box — A Rural Mail Box or RMB is an artificial address that is created by Australia Post to deliver mail to a rural or remote location. The RMB address allows a sender or recipient of mail to succinctly specify the mail s destination.Without the RMB… … Wikipedia
Box — Box: Das im Sinne von »Behälter; Unterstellraum; Pferdestand« gebräuchliche Wort wurde Mitte des 19. Jh.s aus engl. (aengl.) box entlehnt, das auf vlat. buxis (= lat. pyxis) »(aus Buchsbaumholz hergestellte) Büchse« (vgl. ↑ Buchs) zurückgeht und… … Das Herkunftswörterbuch
Mail chute — Inactive mail chutes in the Empire State Building A disused mail chute at Gr … Wikipedia
Mail coach — Print showing a mail coach decorated in black and scarlet Royal Mail livery near Newmarket, Suffolk in 1827. Guard can be seen standing at rear In Great Britain, the mail coach or post coach was a horse drawn carriage that carried mail deliveries … Wikipedia
mail — Verb: To place a letter or other mail matter, properly enveloped or packaged, addressed and stamped, in a mail slot, mail chute, or mail box, provided by the post office department for the reception of mail, or to deliver a letter or other mail… … Ballentine's law dictionary