- magnetic variometer
магнитный вариометр
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
magnetic variometer — magnetinis variometras statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Variometras Žemės magnetinio lauko stiprio pokyčiams matuoti. atitikmenys: angl. magnetic variometer vok. magnetisches Variometer, n rus. магнитный вариометр, m… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
Variometer — Va ri*om e*ter, n. [L. varius various + meter.] (Elec.) An instrument for comparing magnetic forces, esp. in the earth s magnetic field. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
variometer — [ver΄ē äm′ət ər, var΄ē äm′ət ər] n. [ VARIO(US) + METER] 1. any of various devices designed to measure or record small variations in some quantity, as air pressure 2. a geophysical instrument for measuring magnetic forces or determining… … English World dictionary
variometer — /vair ee om i teuhr/, n. 1. Elect. an instrument for measuring inductance, consisting essentially of an inductor with two or more coils whose relative position may be changed to vary the inductance. 2. an instrument for indicating a change in a… … Universalium
variometer — /vɛəriˈɒmətə/ (say vairree omuhtuh) noun 1. Electricity an instrument for comparing the intensity of magnetic forces, especially the magnetic force of the earth, at different points. 2. Electricity an instrument for varying inductance, consisting …
variometer — noun Date: circa 1889 1. an instrument for measuring magnetic declination 2. an aeronautical instrument for indicating rate of climb … New Collegiate Dictionary
variometer — noun a) An instrument used to measure variations in a magnetic field b) A rate of climb indicator See Also: variometric, variometry … Wiktionary
variometer — instrument for measuring magnetic declination Scientific Instruments … Phrontistery dictionary
variometer — [ˌvɛ:rɪ ɒmɪtə] noun 1》 a device for indicating an aircraft s rate of climb or descent. 2》 Electronics a device whose total inductance can be varied. 3》 an instrument for measuring variations in the earth s magnetic field … English new terms dictionary
variometer — var•i•om•e•ter [[t]ˌvɛər iˈɒm ɪ tər[/t]] n. 1) elm a two coil inductor in which electrical inductance is varied by rotating one coil within the other 2) gel elm an adaptation of this used for detecting changes in the earth s magnetic field •… … From formal English to slang
variometer — n. instrument measuring variations in magnetic force; variable inductor with one coil rotating within another … Dictionary of difficult words