- magnetic testing
магнитные испытания
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
magnetic testing — magnetiniai bandymai statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Bandymai magnetinio lauko poveikiui tirti. atitikmenys: angl. magnetic testing vok. magnetische Prüfungen, f rus. магнитные испытания, n pranc. essais magnétiques, m … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
magnetic testing — Смотри магнитная дефектоскопия … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
Magnetic-particle inspection — (MPI) is a non destructive testing (NDT) process for detecting surface and subsurface discontinuities in ferroelectric materials such as iron, nickel, cobalt, and some of their alloys. The process puts a magnetic field into the part. The piece… … Wikipedia
Magnetic flux leakage — (MFL) is a magnetic method of nondestructive testing that is used to detect corrosion and pitting in steel structures, most commonly pipelines and storage tanks. The basic principle is that a powerful magnet is used to magnetize the steel. At… … Wikipedia
Magnetic hyperthermia — is the name given to an experimental cancer treatment. It is based on the fact that magnetic nanoparticles, when subjected to an alternating magnetic field, produce heat. As a consequence, if magnetic nanoparticles are put inside a tumor and the… … Wikipedia
Magnetic immunoassay — (MIA) is a novel type of diagnostic immunoassay using magnetic beads as labels in lieu of conventional enzymes (ELISA), radioisotopes (RIA) or fluorescent moieties (fluorescent immunoassays). This assay involves the specific binding of an… … Wikipedia
Magnetic resonance angiography — Intervention Time of flight MRA showing the circle of Willis in the brain. Note the venetian blinds artifact visible as the multiple pseudo stenosis on both the left and right middle cerebral artery … Wikipedia
Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography — Intervention MRCP image showing stones in the distal common bile duct: (a) Gallbladder with stones (b) Stone in bile duct (c) Pancreatic duct (d) Duodenum. ICD … Wikipedia
Magnetic induction tomography — is an imaging technique used to image electromagnetic properties of an object by using the eddy current effect. It is also called electromagnetic induction tomography, electromagnetic tomography (EMT), eddy current tomography, and eddy current… … Wikipedia
Magnetic water treatment — General Arrangement of MWT Apparatus Magnetic Water treatment[1] usually by the application of a changing Magnetic flux is a proposed method of water softening[2] … Wikipedia
Magnetic damping — is a form of damping that occurs when a magnetic field moves through a conductor (or vice versa). Contents 1 Definition 2 Equation 3 Uses 4 Simple Experiment … Wikipedia