magnet pole

magnet pole
1) полюс магнитопровода
2) полюс магнита

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "magnet pole" в других словарях:

  • Magnet — This article is about objects and devices that produce magnetic fields. For a description of magnetic materials, see magnetism. For other uses, see Magnet (disambiguation) …   Wikipedia

  • pole shoe — noun : an iron or steel plate sometimes attached to a field magnet pole to support the field coil …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pole — may refer to:Cylindrical object*A solid cylindrical object with length greater than its diameter e.g: **Barber s pole, advertising a barber shop **Danish pole, a circus prop **Firemen s pole, a wooden pole or a metal tube or pipe installed… …   Wikipedia

  • Magnet — Magnet. Es gab vor Alters in Kleinasien zwei Städte, die Magnesia hießen. Die eine lag am Mäander, die andere, auch Heraklea genannt, ward zur Landschaft Lydien gerechnet und nach ihr soll der Magnet seinen Namen erhalten haben. Dieser seltsame… …   Damen Conversations Lexikon

  • Pole — Pole, n. [L. polus, Gr. ? a pivot or hinge on which anything turns, an axis, a pole; akin to ? to move: cf. F. p[^o]le.] 1. Either extremity of an axis of a sphere; especially, one of the extremities of the earth s axis; as, the north pole. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pole — pole1 [pōl] n. [ME < OE pal < L palus, PALE2] 1. a long, slender piece of wood, metal, etc. usually rounded [a tent pole, flagpole, fishing pole] 2. a tapering wooden shaft extending from the front axle of a wagon or carriage and attached… …   English World dictionary

  • pole — Ⅰ. pole [1] ► NOUN 1) a long, slender rounded piece of wood or metal, typically used as a support. 2) a wooden shaft at the front of a cart or carriage drawn by animals and attached to their yokes or collars. ► VERB ▪ propel (a boat) with a pole …   English terms dictionary

  • pole — [ poul ] noun count ** 1. ) a long thin stick, often used for holding or supporting something: There were rows of poles supporting young bean plants. 2. ) one of two things that are completely opposite: Somewhere between the poles of wealth and… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Pole piece — Moving coil meter movement with the nearer pole piece partly cut away A pole piece is a structure composed of material of high magnetic permeability that serves to direct the magnetic field produced by a magnet. A pole piece attaches to and in a… …   Wikipedia

  • Magnet — Ma|gnet [ma gne:t], der; [e]s und en, e[n]: 1. Eisen oder Stahlstück, das die Eigenschaft hat, Eisen u. a. anzuziehen und an sich haften zu lassen: einen Zettel mit einem Magnet[en] am Kühlschrank festmachen. 2. Person oder Sache, die auf viele… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Pole der nördlichen Hemisphäre — 1: Geographischer Nordpol; 2: Arktischer Magnetpol; 3: Arktischer geomagnetischer Pol; 4: Nordpol der Unzugänglichkeit die P …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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