lower tolerance

lower tolerance
нижнее отклонение (поля) допуска

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "lower tolerance" в других словарях:

  • lower tolerance — apatinis nuokrypis statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Algebrinis vardinio ir mažiausiojo ribinio matmens skirtumas. atitikmenys: angl. lower tolerance vok. unteres Abmaß, n rus. нижнее отклонение допуска, n; нижнее… …   Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas

  • Lower East Side Tenement National Historic Site — Infobox protected area | name = Lower East Side Tenement National Historic Site iucn category = V caption = locator x = 254 locator y = 60 location = New York, New York, USA nearest city = New York, NY lat degrees = 40 | lat minutes = 43 | lat… …   Wikipedia

  • Engineering tolerance — is the permissible limit or limits of variation in a physical dimension, a measured value or physical property of a material, manufactured object, system, or service, other measured values (such as temperature, humidity, etc.). in engineering and …   Wikipedia

  • Zero tolerance — policies are studied in criminology and are common in formal and informal policing systems around the world.Fact|date=December 2007 The policies also appear in informal situations where there may be sexual harassment or Internet misuse in… …   Wikipedia

  • 1782 Edict of Tolerance — Background information = The Edict of Tolerance was a religious reform of Joseph II, during the time he was emperor of the Habsburg Monarchy. His religious reform known as the Edict of Tolerance was composed of two separate laws one was enacted… …   Wikipedia

  • Alcohol tolerance — refers to a decreased response to the functional effects of ethanol in alcoholic beverages. Alcohol tolerance is increased by regular drinking. This reduced sensitivity requires that higher quantities of alcohol be consumed in order to achieve… …   Wikipedia

  • Drought tolerance — Sedum is a drought tolerant plant whose specific adaptations include succulence and a waxy surface on its leaves and stems. Drought tolerance refers to the degree to which a plant is adapted to arid or drought conditions. Desiccation tolerance is …   Wikipedia

  • Desiccation tolerance — refers to the ability of an organism to withstand or endure extreme dryness, or drought like conditions. Plants and animals living in arid or periodically arid environments such as temporary streams or ponds may face the challenge of desiccation …   Wikipedia

  • Risk Tolerance — The degree of uncertainty that an investor can handle in regard to a negative change in the value of his or her portfolio. An investor s risk tolerance varies according to age, income requirements, financial goals, etc. For example, a 70 year old …   Investment dictionary

  • Resistor — A typical axial lead resistor Type Passive Working principle Electrical resistance Invented Ge …   Wikipedia

  • Lactase persistence — is the continued activity of the enzyme lactase in adulthood. Since lactase s only function is the digestion of lactose in milk, in most mammalian species the activity of the enzyme is dramatically reduced after weaning.[1] However in some human… …   Wikipedia

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