- low-pressure compressor
компрессор низкого давления
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
low-pressure compressor — The front section of a dual spool compressor, also called an N1 compressor or a low speed compressor. It is driven by the last stage of a turbine. The high pressure compressor is called an N2 compressor … Aviation dictionary
low-pressure cut-out — A device which protects the air conditioning system by switching the compressor off when a pressure loss occurs … Dictionary of automotive terms
low-pressure cut-out switch — A device that disengages the compressor clutch when the system pressure drops below a predetermined level … Dictionary of automotive terms
Compressor map — Each compressor (or fan) in a gas turbine engine has an operating map. Complete maps are either based on compressor rig test results or are predicted by a special computer program. Alternatively the map of a similar compressor can be suitably… … Wikipedia
compressor — [1] A mechanism in a refrigerator or air conditioner that pumpsvaporizedrefrigerant out of the evaporator, compresses it to a relatively high pressure and then delivers it to the condenser. [2] A tool for compressing a coil spring, such as a… … Dictionary of automotive terms
low side — An air conditioning term describing the side between the expansion valve or orifice tube and the compressor; includes the evaporator called the low pressure portion Another term for suction side. The low pressure part of the system between the… … Dictionary of automotive terms
low-refrigerant protection system — A system which interrupts the electrical current to the compressor clutch in the event of refrigerant loss. A typical exhaust is the GM superheat switch and thermal limiter low side: suction side the low pressure part of the system between the… … Dictionary of automotive terms
compressor cut-off switch — A device used by some manufacturers to prevent compressor operation. Such as the wide open throttle (WOT) cut off switch, low pressure switch, and high pressure switch … Dictionary of automotive terms
axial-centrifugal compressor — A combination of centrifugal and axial flow compressors in a gas turbine engine. The axial flow compressor is ahead and serves as a low pressure compressor, while the centrifugal flow compressor is in the rear and functions as a high pressure… … Aviation dictionary
compressor, single-stage — Compressor having only one compressive step between low side pressure and high side pressure … Dictionary of automotive terms
Compressor stall — A compressor stall is a situation of abnormal airflow resulting from a stall of the aerofoils within the compressor of a jet engine. Stall is found in dynamic compressors, particularly axial compressors, as used in jet engines and turbochargers… … Wikipedia