- lot size
объём партии; объём серии (обрабатываемых деталей)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
lot size — partijos dydis statusas Aprobuotas sritis vaisiai ir daržovės apibrėžtis Produkto taros vienetų skaičius partijoje. atitikmenys: angl. lot size vok. Partiegröße, f rus. объем партии pranc. effectif d un lot šaltinis Lietuvos Respublikos žemės… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Dynamic lot size model — In inventory theory the Dynamic lot size model is a generalization of the economic order quantity model that takes into account that demand for the product varies over time. The model was introduced by H.M. Wagner and T.H. Whitin in 1958. Problem … Wikipedia
size — n Size, dimensions, area, extent, magnitude, volume are here compared primarily as terms meaning the amount of space occupied or sometimes of time or energy used by a thing and determinable by measuring. Size usually refers to things having… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Lot's Ait — is an island in the River Thames in England. It is on the Tideway near Brentford, and its size is approximately 51,000 sq.ft.Lot s Ait is often grouped with the adjacent Brentford Ait. It was formerly used for the growing of grass and osiers:… … Wikipedia
Оптимальный размер заказа, Оптимальный размер партии (ECONOMIC ORDER QUANTITY - EOQ, OPTIMAL LOT SIZE) — Тип модели «оптимальный объем заказа», определяющей количество изделий одного наименования, которые следует закупить или произвести за один раз. При этом решается задача минимизации комбинированных расходов по закупке и ведению складского учета.… … Словарь терминов по управленческому учету
Размер партии (LOT SIZE) — Количество определенного изделия, заказанное с завода или у поставщика или выданное как нормативное количество для процесса производства. В качестве синонима используется «объем заказа» … Словарь терминов по управленческому учету
Lot (real estate) — Articleissues cleanup=June 2008 sections=August 2008In real estate, a lot is a tract or parcel of land owned or meant to be owned by some owner(s). A lot is essentially considered a parcel of real property in some countries or immovable property… … Wikipedia
size — noun 1 how big or small sth is ADJECTIVE ▪ considerable, enormous, fair, good, great, impressive, large, massive, substantial, vast … Collocations dictionary
Lot Whitcomb (sidewheeler) — Launched in 1850, Lot Whitcomb , later known as Annie Abernathy , was the first steam powered craft built on the Willamette River in the U.S. state of Oregon.Corning, Howard McKinley, Willamette Landings Ghost Towns of the River , at 24 27,… … Wikipedia
size up — verb to look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail (Freq. 2) he scrutinized his likeness in the mirror • Syn: ↑take stock, ↑scrutinize, ↑scrutinise • Derivationally related forms: ↑scrutiniser ( … Useful english dictionary
lot — 1) all the specimens collected at one time and place (including one or more species, a collection lot; including one species only, a species lot) 2) a shipment or part of a shipment of fish that is of the same species, is processed in the same… … Dictionary of ichthyology