- lossy waveguide
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Loss tangent — The loss tangent is a parameter of a dielectric material that quantifies its inherent dissipation of electromagnetic energy. The term refers to the tangent of the angle in a complex plane between the resistive (lossy) component of an… … Wikipedia
Alternating current — (green curve). The horizontal axis measures time; the vertical, current or voltage. In alternating current (AC, also ac) the movement of electric charge periodically reverses direction. In direct current (DC, also dc), the flow of electric charge … Wikipedia
Microwave cavity — A microwave cavity is a closed metal structure that confines electromagnetic fields in the microwave region of the spectrum. Such cavities act as resonant circuits with extremely low loss at their frequency of operation. Their Q factor may reach… … Wikipedia
Electronic component — Various components An electronic component is a basic electronic element and may be available in a discrete form having two or more electrical terminals (or leads). These are intended to be connected together, usually by soldering to a printed… … Wikipedia
Superlens — A superlens, super lens or perfect lens is a lens which uses metamaterials to go beyond the diffraction limit. The diffraction limit is an inherent limitation in conventional optical devices or lenses.[1] In 2000, a type of lens was proposed,… … Wikipedia
Phase shift module — A phase shifter is a microwave network which provides a controllable phase shift of the RF signal [Microwave Solid State Circuit Design, 2nd Ed., by Inder Bahl and Prakash Bhartia, John Wiley Sons, 2003 (Chapter 12)] [RF MEMS Theory, Design and… … Wikipedia
Electrodeless lamp — In contrast with all other electrical lamps that use electrical connections through the lamp envelope to transfer power to the lamp, in electrodeless lamps the power needed to generate light is transferred from the outside of the lamp envelope by … Wikipedia
High fidelity — or hi fi reproduction is a term used by home stereo listeners and home audio enthusiasts (audiophiles) to refer to high quality reproduction of sound or images that are very faithful to the original master recording. High fidelity equipment has… … Wikipedia
Charles E. Smith (engineer) — Dr. Charles E. Smith was professor and Chair in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Mississippi. His focus research areas included: application of electromagnetic theory to microwave circuits, application of numerical… … Wikipedia
Distortion — This article is about technology, especially electrical engineering. For other uses, see Distortion (disambiguation). Distort redirects here. For other uses, see Distort (disambiguation). A distortion is the alteration of the original shape (or… … Wikipedia
Path loss — (or path attenuation) is the reduction in power density (attenuation) of an electromagnetic wave as it propagates through space. Path loss is a major component in the analysis and design of the link budget of a telecommunication system.This term… … Wikipedia