- loose stitches
расширенные петли (дефект)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
loose-knit — loose knitˈ or loosely knitˈ adjective (of communities, etc) not bound together by close ties • • • Main Entry: ↑loose * * * adj. knitted with large loose stitches she wears a large loose knit sweater ■ connected in a tenuous or ill defined way;… … Useful english dictionary
basting — basting1 /bay sting/, n. 1. sewing with long, loose stitches to hold material in place until the final sewing. 2. bastings, the stitches taken or the threads used. [1515 25; BASTE1 + ING1] basting2 /bay sting/, n. 1. the act of moistening food… … Universalium
baste — [ beıst ] verb intransitive or transitive 1. ) to cover meat with hot fat or its own juices while it cooks 2. ) to sew two pieces of cloth together with long loose stitches that will hold them while you finish sewing it with permanent stitches … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
baste — UK [beɪst] / US verb [intransitive/transitive] Word forms baste : present tense I/you/we/they baste he/she/it bastes present participle basting past tense basted past participle basted 1) to cover meat with hot fat or its own juices while it… … English dictionary
basting — bast•ing [[t]ˈbeɪ stɪŋ[/t]] n. 1) clo sewing with long, loose stitches 2) clo bastings, the stitches taken or the threads used • Etymology: 1515–25 … From formal English to slang
примётывать — ПРИМЁТЫВАТЬ, несов. (сов. приметать), что к чему и без доп. Присоединять (присоединить) детали одежды, белья, ткани и т.п. к чему л., пришивая их крупными стежками [impf. to stitch up, put stitches on to fasten (to); to tack, baste, fasten or… … Большой толковый словарь русских глаголов
tack — tack1 [tæk] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(nail)¦ 2¦(pin)¦ 3¦(way of doing something)¦ 4¦(ship)¦ 5¦(horses)¦ 6¦(sewing)¦ 7¦(ugly objects)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Sense: 1 4, 6; Date: 1300 1400; : Old North French; Origin: taque fastening ] … Dictionary of contemporary English
basting — bast·ing || beɪstɪŋ adj. pertaining to a type of loose stitch which holds material in place until the final sewing beɪst v. attach with loose stitches (Sewing); drip fat on meat during cooking; beat, hit … English contemporary dictionary
tack — 1 noun 1 NAIL (C) a small nail with a sharp point and flat top 2 PIN (C) AmE a short pin with a large round flat top, for fixing notices to boards, walls etc; drawing pin BrE, thumbtack AmE 3 change tack/try a different tack etc to do something… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Overcast — O ver*cast ([=o] v[ e]r*k[.a]st ), v. t. 1. To cast or cover over; hence, to cloud; to darken. [1913 Webster] Those clouds that overcast your morn shall fly. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. To compute or rate too high. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 3. (Sewing) … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
baste — I. transitive verb (basted; basting) Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French bastir, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German besten to patch, Old English bæst bast Date: 15th century to sew with long loose stitches in order to hold… … New Collegiate Dictionary