loop detector

loop detector
датчик петлеобразователя (для клетей непрерывных сортовых и полосовых станов)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "loop detector" в других словарях:

  • Detector (radio) — Passband modulation v · d · e Analog modulation AM · …   Wikipedia

  • Detector de fase — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Un detector de fase es un circuito mezclador de frecuencias o multiplicador analógico que genera una señal de voltaje que representa la diferencia en fase entre dos señales de entrada. Es un elemento esencial en el… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Phase-locked loop — PLL redirects here. For other uses, see PLL (disambiguation). A phase locked loop or phase lock loop (PLL) is a control system that generates an output signal whose phase is related to the phase of an input reference signal. It is an electronic… …   Wikipedia

  • Phase detector — A phase detector is a frequency mixer or analog multiplier circuit that generates a voltage signal which represents the difference in phase between two signal inputs. It is an essential element of the phase locked loop (PLL).Detecting phase… …   Wikipedia

  • Costas loop — A Costas loop is a phase locked loop used for carrier phase recovery from suppressed carrier modulation signals, such as from double sideband suppressed carrier signals. It was invented by John P. Costas at General Electric in the 1950s. Its… …   Wikipedia

  • Dual loop — This article refers to the electrical circuit as used in burglar alarms. Several other uses for the term Dual loop may also exist. Dual loop is a method of electrical circuit termination used in electronic security applications, particularly… …   Wikipedia

  • Product detector — A product detector is a type of demodulator used for AM and SSB signals. Rather than converting the envelope of the signal into the decoded waveform like an envelope detector, the product detector takes the product of the modulated signal and a… …   Wikipedia

  • Phase Frequency Detector — A phase frequency detector, in electronics, is a device which compares the phase of two input signals. It has two inputs which correspond to two different input signals, usually one from a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) and another from some …   Wikipedia

  • Coronal loop — Typical coronal loops observed by TRACE Coronal loops form the basic structure of the lower corona and transition region of the Sun. These highly structured and elegant loops are a direct consequence of the twisted solar magnetic flux within the… …   Wikipedia

  • Murray loop bridge — is a bridge circuit used for locating faults in underground or underwater cables.[1] It has been used for more than 100 years. [2] One end of the faulted c …   Wikipedia

  • Traffic light — The traffic light, also known as traffic signal, stop light, traffic lamp, stop and go lights, robot or semaphore, is a signaling device positioned at a road intersection, pedestrian crossing, or other location. Its purpose is to indicate, using… …   Wikipedia

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